Pink dolphin is the common name of two different types of dolphins: 1] The Chinese white dolphin (Sousa chinensis chinensis) of the Pearl River Delta that also occur in Southeast Asia and breed from South Africa to Australia.Chinese white dolphin 2] The Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis) that live in the river systems of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Βενεζουέλα. here are five species of dolphins that make their homes in rivers, being the most popular of them the Pink Dolphins also known as Boto, Boutu or Amazon River dolphins as it inhabits the Amazon River.Amazon river dolphinspecies of dolphins The scientific name of the Pink Dolphins from the Amazon is Inia Geoffrensis and they belong to the genus Inea, part of the family Platanistoidea, which is conformed by the five species of river dolphins. Pink dolphins are not the same dolphins that you would see in the ocean; they have special adaptations to their habitat. In fact, river dolphins are only distantly related to sea dolphins. They are friendly to people and usually eat crabs, small fish and turtles. They belong taxonomically speaking to different families. The oceanic dolphins belong to the family delphinidae while river dolphins belong to the family Platanistoidea as we said above. [They never have babies in the summer.]
1] They have babies in the summer ; 2]They are friendly ;