Christopher Columbus sailor Wanted to find a route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean Wanted to find riches for Spain Sailed from 1492 – 1506 Left Spain & sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean to San Salvador in the Caribbean Sea Was the first European to set foot on the American Continent OTHER INFORMATION – He took 4 voyages – exploring Cuba & the coasts of South & Central America.
Amerigo Vespucci Nobleman & merchant Sent to retrace Columbus’ voyage & to see exactly what lands he’d explored. Took notes on navigation & astronomy Sailed from 1499 - 1500 Sailed west across the Atlantic & north up the Atlantic coast. On the 2nd voyage sailed south along the same coastline OTHER INFORMATION – He eventually realized that the land Columbus had found was too far north to be the Indies – America was named after him.
Juan Ponce de Leon soldier Wanted the glory of finding the “fountain of youth” in Florida Sailed from 1506 - 1521 Sailed from Hispaniola to Puerto Rico to Florida Killed many Native Americans & led soldiers to conquer Puerto Rico OTHER INFORMATION – He traveled on Columbus’ 2nd voyage. He settled in Hispanola and later returned to Florida (in 1521) to start a settlement.
Henry Hudson English sea captain Wanted to claim land for the Netherlands & to sail to China across the top of Europe (near the Arctic Circle) Wanted to find the Northwest Passage Sailed from 1609 - 1610 Sailed north towards the Arctic Circle then west across the Atlantic Ocean to Maine then Hudson Bay Claimed eastern Canada for England OTHER INFORMATION – He drew the first map of Hudson Bay. Hudson Bay & the Hudson River were named after him.
Robert Sieur de la Salle French nobleman & fur trader along the St. Lawrence River Wanted personal wealth & to establish trading posts, forts, & settlements for the French Empire Sailed from 1667 - 1684 Explored the Ohio River and traveled the Mississippi River Learned Native American languages OTHER INFORMATION – He named Louisiana for the French King.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa Explorer then farmer Wanted personal wealth & was avoiding having to repay his debts (stowed away on board ship) Searched for the Inca Explored in 1500 Hispaniola (west Indies) to western coast of Panama Was friendly towards the Native Americans & married a chief’s daughter OTHER INFORMATION – He found the Pacific Ocean and named it the South Sea.
Ferdinand Magellan Portuguese sea captain (son of a nobleman) & soldier Wanted to circumnavigate the globe (sail around the world by traveling west across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) Sailed from 1519 - 1522 Left Spain & sailed to South America through the Strait of Magellan to the Phillipines and then on to the East Indies and Spain Killed by Native Americans in the Phillipines OTHER INFORMATION – Discovered the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America. On the expedition, men had to eat leather, sawdust, and rats to survive.