Jacques Cartier By: Jake Boulton
Born/Life Jacques Cartier was born in France in the seaport of St.Malo Jacques Cartier was born in France in the seaport of St.Malo Not much of his life was known Before 1534 when h set out on his first voyage. Not much of his life was known Before 1534 when h set out on his first voyage. He also was a French navigator He also was a French navigator
When he Explored He explored in1534,1535, and also1541. He explored in1534,1535, and also1541. He explored at the age of 18,22, and also in the age of 23 He explored at the age of 18,22, and also in the age of 23 He made 3 voyages to try to find Asia. He made 3 voyages to try to find Asia. He was sent by the king of France. He was sent by the king of France.
His first Expedition His first Expedition He made the crossing of the Atlantic in only 20 days He made the crossing of the Atlantic in only 20 days He landed on and island near the coast of Newfoundland He landed on and island near the coast of Newfoundland He sailed into the bay of the S.T. Lawrence River He sailed into the bay of the S.T. Lawrence River Then he sailed up to the Chaluer bay and the Gaspe peninsula, There he saw 50 canoes filled with Mimicac Indians Then he sailed up to the Chaluer bay and the Gaspe peninsula, There he saw 50 canoes filled with Mimicac Indians
His Second Expedition In 1535 Jacques Cartier made another voyage He sailed through the Strait of Belle Isla, again but this time followed the coast westward Donnoacona first greeted him friendly and solemnly, but refused to let him go further west. Three medicine men dressed up as devils to warn him not to go further. Cartier climbed a mountain called Mount Real Domagaia told him that bark from a white cedar tree can cure people Cartier kidnapped Donnoacona and his sons to tell stories to the king
His Third Expedition He wanted to make another expedition but he couldn’t because the war with Spain he couldn’t do it until 1541 This time he served under Jean-Francois de la Rocque, sieur de Roberval His men thought they collected gold and diamonds but it was only quarts and fool’s gold He went back to his fort where he spent the winter Some of his men were killed by Indian attacks