Roly Poly MADNESS!
What are Roly Polies? Also known as woodlice or pill bugs Detritivores They eat dead plant matter
Pill-Bugs? More like Pill-Lobster Pill bugs actually aren’t bugs They are in the same Phylum as crabs and lobsters, which makes them crustaceans
Females are able to reproduce asexually Lay eggs in a marsupium on the underside of their bodies Breathe through their back legs. This leg is called a pleopod
More about Roly Polys Hard outer shell, with a thin, waxy layer (epicuticle) on top The cuticle evolved to help the roly polies keep water in Evolution
Where do they live? Where have you seen roly polies? They live under Logs Dead leaves In dark, damp places
Why do Roly Polys like damp places? Waxy layer only slows water loss Some water still gets out For this reason they are hydrotaxic
Hydrotaxis? Hydro = Water Taxis = Movement towards Hydrotaxis is when an organism moves towards water
Roly Poly Madness Lab Day 1 1.Send 1 group member to collect a blue tray and a Roly Poly (you smash it, you get an F) 2.Table 1: List 3 or 4 observations of Roly Poly (ex. What’s it look like, how does it move, how many legs, color, etc.) 3.Draw a picture of the Roly Poly 4.Turn Roly Poly’s back in
Roly Poly Madness Day 2 Review Roly Polies are bugs or crustaceans? What does Hydrotaxic mean? Are Roly Polies more likely to move towards, or away from water?
Roly Poly Madness Day 2 Procedure 1.Grab materials 1.Tray, moist paper towel, Eight Roly Polies 2.Place paper towel in one chamber and all Rolie polies in another chamber 3.Every minute that goes by count how many roly polies in each side
Roly Poly Madness Day 2 Time (min)# rolies side A (wet)# rolies side B (dry) Avg.
Roly Poly Madness Day 2 Time (min)# rolies side A (wet)# rolies side B (dry) Avg.
Roly Poly Madness Day 2 Time (min)# rolies side A (wet)# rolies side B (dry) Avg.
Roly Poly Madness Day 2 Time (min)# rolies side A (wet)# rolies side B (dry) Avg.
Day 2 If you have extra time, repeat experiment Fill out the bottom of pg 2 Talk with group and decide what different variable you want to bring for tomorrow (ex. Carrots, wood, leaves, soda, juice, etc)
Day 3- New variable Today you’ll be making graphs of data after your experiment is over What goes in a good graph? Title Axis labels/units Consistent Scale Legend labeling what line is what (variable, no variable) Effects of ________ on Roly Poly Taxis Time (s) Number of Roly Polies
Day 3 Grab Materials Start experiment with new variable instead of water Run again if there is time Graph results 2 or 3 groups will be chosen at random to present at the end of class Each person will hand their packet in at the end of class