In this unit, the summary is shown in blue, and the underlined words are vocabulary; the animation and video hyperlinks are shown in orange.
Scientists classify the diverse number of organisms on the planet in order to learn and study from them into hierarchical groups. In this unit you will learn how scientists classify living things; the science of taxonomy. ◦ the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on similarities
Von Linne [AKA Carolus Linnaeus] was the Swedish biologist who in the mid- 1700’s developed the biological system of classification. ◦ 7 taxonomic levels [or taxa] ◦ kingdom to species Video Video
1.A common name eliminates confusion caused by regional name differences. ◦ EX crayfish, crawdad, mudbug are all common names for…. ◦ Cambarus bartoni fangq/food/HuifangCookings/edited/crawfish.jpg
◦ Mountain lion, panther, cougar and puma are all common names for... ◦ Puma concolor
◦ Roly poly, pillbug, and wood louse are all common names for... ◦ Armadillidium vulgare
2.organizes large amounts of information 3.Classification also reveals evolutionary relationships between organisms
When instructed, pick up a colored piece of paper at the front to create your mnemonic foldable. Each pod will need some scissors.
Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
Domain is the most recently added 8 th taxonomic level, which is even more inclusive than a kingdom. There are 3 domains shown above – 2 are prokaryotic, 1is eukaryotic. ◦ Video Video
Six kingdoms of life: 4 Eukaryotic Kingdoms ◦ Animals ◦ Plants ◦ Fungi ◦ Protists 2 Prokaryotic Kingdoms ◦ Archaebacteria ◦ Eubacteria y_abocOeLKk/TpuITAAu8VI/AAAAAAAAHuw/SJdeqGFpZ8E/s1600/six+kingdoms+tree+of+li fe+.gif
A species is a group of organisms that are very closely related and can breed fertile offspring. Video Video
In Latin, nomenclatura = ◦ nomen "name"+ calare "to call" Scientists give each organism a name in classification which consists of two parts: ◦ genus + species [specific epithet]. ◦ Typically use Latin because it is universal [worldwide] and not widely spoken, therefore, the meaning is not likely to change.
EX Tyrannosaurus rex translates to “tyrant lizard”+“king.”
Always in italics Genus name is written 1 st, capitalized Species name is written 2 nd, NOT capitalized EX scientific names ◦ Homo sapiens (modern man) ◦ Felis catus (common housecat) ◦ Video Video