Electric Fields II. Electric Fields Electric fields are produced by point charges and continuous charge distributions Definition: is force exerted on.


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Presentation transcript:

Electric Fields II

Electric Fields Electric fields are produced by point charges and continuous charge distributions Definition: is force exerted on charge by an external field Note: q produces a field but it is not external

E = ? Source + Continuous Charge Distributions Cut source into small (“infinitesimal”) charges dq Each produces dE dq or

Steps: Draw a coordinate system on the diagram Choose an integration variable (e.g., x ) Draw an infinitesimal element dx Write r and any other variables in terms of x Write dq in terms of dx Put limits on the integral Do the integral or look it up in tables.

Example: Uniformly-Charged Thin Rod (length L, total charge Q ) L d Charge/Length = “Linear Charge Density”  = constant = Q/L


In 2D problems, integrate components separately to obtain the electric field: { x-component of

Example: Uniformly-Charged Ring Total charge Q, uniform charge/unit length, radius R Find: E at any point (x, 0) x y (x,0) R


Quiz Given the semi-circular uniform charge distribution, what would the direction of the electric field be at the origin, O? A) up B) down C) left D) right R y x O

Example: Uniformly-Charged Semicircle Charge/unit length,, is uniform Find: at origin R y x


Summary Field of several point charges q i : Field of continuous charge distribution: