EDWN 600 Instructional Design and Classroom Management
Margaret Foss, Ph.D. Available at or During business hours (715) or
Topics for this weekend Program Orientation & Logistics The Context of Teaching The Context of Teaching Role of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Introduction to Wisconsin Teacher Standards Wisconsin Teacher StandardsWisconsin Teacher Standards Wisconsin Academic Model Standards, Wisconsin Academic Model Standards, Common Core Standards, especially Disciplinary Literacy Wisconsin Academic Model Standards, Issues in education Issues in education Child development Child developmentIntellectualSocial/Moral/Emotional Bloom’s taxonomy and domains of learning Bloom’s taxonomy and domains of learningMotivation Communication skills Communication skills Lesson planning Lesson planning
Assignment details Assignment rubrics should help define expectations Use WORD or save in.rtf format I’ll use “track changes” and send back with comments and corrections All components of Portfolio I - which shows your eligibilty for student teaching When you receive work back, make corrections and upload into Efolio right away
Reflective papers These should include some factual writing, which if it is not common knowledge, should be cited appropriately. Refer to the APA citation models linked on Norda website They should also include your perspective on the issue/topic, specifically focused on how it affects/will affect your teaching
Portfolio Log inLog in - using the directions provided at last session Log in Read through the ‘To Do’ items & do them To DoTo Do Use the tutorial videos - they’re short and pretty clear next next next
BacBack Bac
Add your info Add your info
Add your content Add your content The name you give a page appears in your portfolio For papers Either cut and paste into a ‘basic’ template [use the ‘full text’ box] basic Or upload a.pdf file For degrees - create a credential page for each degree you’ve earned credential For test scores - use a ‘basic’ page and report your passing and the name(s) of the Praxis II test(s) you took Cover page - use a ‘basic’ page and write a sentence of intro for the standard
Putting it together Select one of the standards in the right bar Make sure you’re in the ‘build’ screen build Open ‘My content’ and drag the content item to the center column of the screen screen Drop it in place Go on to the next standard
Finishing touches Use the tabs along the top of the page to personalize the format, if you wish Go to ‘Accounts’ and add my name and Karen Z’s name and as a visitor. AccountsvisitorAccountsvisitor Follow the prompt and invite me to look at your portfolio when it’s done. Click the box to make your portfolio public! public
Standards-based Education Department of Public Instruction Wisconsin Teacher Standards, Common Core State Standards, Benchmarks Wisconsin Teacher Standards, Common Core State Standards, Benchmarks Wisconsin Teacher Standards Common Core State Standards Benchmarks Wisconsin Teacher Standards Common Core State Standards Benchmarks
Common Core Standards Common Core Standards National educational standards National educational standardsstandards Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics English English English Disciplinary Literacy (all other subjects) Disciplinary Literacy (all other subjects) article to discuss article to discuss Next
Child Development Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Cognitive development Jean Piaget ( ) Four stages of development Based on observations of children Tasks - classic activities to demonstrate the cognitive skills
Four stages of Development Development Each group read and present a different stage
Social Constructivism Scaffolding! Vygotsky
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Social-Emotional Development Erik Erikson - 8 stages 8 stages8 stages In your group, make a poster showing the Erikson model, using graphics or descriptions of each stage
Moral Development Piaget: Morality of Constraint/Morality of Cooperation Piaget: Morality of Constraint/Morality of Cooperation Kohlberg: 6 stages Kohlberg: 6 stages Pre-conventional: Punishment; Back scratching Pre-conventional: Punishment; Back scratching Conventional: Good kid; Law & order Conventional: Good kid; Law & order Post-conventional: Social evaluation; Ethics Post-conventional: Social evaluation; Ethics Gilligan: (similar to Kohlberg) Gilligan: (similar to Kohlberg) Individual survival - Self-sacrifice and social conformity - Morality of nonviolence Individual survival - Self-sacrifice and social conformity - Morality of nonviolence More info More info More info More info
Grade level activity In a small group: In a small group: Read through the slips Read through the slips Sort them first into cognitive/motivational/emotional, and physical characteristics (moral is folded into emotional and motivational) Sort them first into cognitive/motivational/emotional, and physical characteristics (moral is folded into emotional and motivational) Then, sort them into the appropriate grade levels Then, sort them into the appropriate grade levels Compare your sorting with another group Compare your sorting with another group Next
Styles and controls VAKT - most well known More info More info Multiple Intelligences More info More info Learning Styles
Lesson planning
Lesson Planning Many different models Beginning Beginning Middle Middle End End
Some terms/components Anticipatory set Anticipatory set Objectives Objectives Modifications Modifications Materials Materials Assessment Assessment ✓ Try your hand at planning a lesson with the template ✓ Trade papers and devise 2 questions about your partners plan ✓ What would you need to know to teach this lesson? next next
Communication General purpose Home/school connections Home/school connections
Communication Who are we communicating with? What is our message? How often should I initiate communication? What kind of responses do I expect? What impression do I want to make?
Communication with families PTAPTA - Harvard Research Project PTA Read and report out on your segment of the document: What is most important How can we use this in our classrooms?
Where am I at? Please write brief notes on each bullet: What ideas were interesting/new? What additional information would I like? How can I use these ideas? Stds Dev Style Comm Stds Dev Style Comm StdsDevStyleComm StdsDevStyleComm
Questions? Please get assignments turned in promptly and as soon as you get feedback, put the finished product in your efolio. Contact me with questions that occur later.