LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Electromagnetic Calorimetry and Electron/Photon performance in ATLAS
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Outlook of the talk The ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter system –Physics issues –Design overview Status of the construction Test-beam and simulation results
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Standard Model Higgs Search Jets Jets, Missing E t Electrons Photons Precise and Hermetic Calorimetry is Mandatory for Most of LHC Physics ! Jets, Missing E t
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Liquid Argon properties Long-term stability Response linearity over bits dynamic range Intrinsic good radiation-tolerance Homogeneity of construction small constant term
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Some design goals for the EM calorimeter Sampling term 10%/ E or better (for SM H) Constant term 1% or better (for Z’ and H ) > 24 X 0 depth (to limit leakage effect on resolution) Linearity 0.5% up to 300 GeV (H , H 4e)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Principle of detection Accordion geometry benefits : No cracks in Small modulation (few per mille) Cabling on front and back only Low inductance HV 2 kV on 2.2 mm gap
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Calorimeter structure Fine strips for / 0 Presampler for dead matter
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration End-cap Calorimeter structure Structure similar to the barrel, but : Varying gap thickness Varying high voltage Increased complexity Outer wheel (1.4< <2.5) Inner wheel (2.5< <3.2)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Modules Construction finished these days ! One wheel assembled and successfully inserted into the cryostat Construction took in total about 3-4 years (including procurement, fabrication of absorbers, electrodes, spacers, plus stacking itself) Constant term contribution from mechanics evaluated to 0.3% (from mech. measurements)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Wheel Assembly
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Wheel Insertion
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Potential Problems One 16 channel HV unit 2*8 channels per Half-module ~10 channels dead (after test of complete wheel, channels) About 0.1% of channels with HV on only one side of the electrode
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration End-Cap Modules 10 modules ready for assembly (one wheel=8 modules) Module stacking will finish by February 2004 Assembly of first wheel has begun (see photos)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration End-Cap wheel Assembly 3 modules assembled these days !
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Some Test-Beam results 4 barrel and 3 end-cap modules have been beam-tested, from 2000 to Topics studied : Energy resolution, uniformity, position resolution, crosstalk, MIP response, etc
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Test-Beam Setup Setup similar for barrel and end-cap Located at CERN, North area (H8&H6) Electron beam from 10 to 300 GeV Read-out similar to ATLAS electronics, but not yet radiation hard.
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Signal Reconstruction Exponential current Physics signal Signal sampled every 25 ns Optimal filtering Amplitude : A = a i s i Time : A.t = b i s i Physics signal Calibration signal
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Crosstalk Measurements Crosstalk nature (inductive, resistive, capacitive) deduced from Signal shapes
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Energy Resolution One of the first points looked at Both barrel and end-cap are within specification Sampling : 10.4% Constant : 0.27%
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration MIP Response Will be slightly worse at LHC : about 5 (different electronics) First use : Cosmic runs But also at LHC…
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Corrections to raw energy measurements Lateral shower containment correction Modulation correction
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Sampling weighting Presampler allows to Correct for dead matter Search for Optimal weight No presampler (1.8 X 0 ) Presampler included, Optimal weight
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Uniformity Region =0.8 not included RMS/E=0.57% (515 cells) =0 =0.8 =1.4 e Pb =1.53e Pb =1.13
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration End-Cap Uniformity 0.86%0.44% 0.66% 0.43%0.46%0.35%0.43% η number in S2 Φ number in S2 These number match the specifications
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Position Resolution Resolution in units x 1000 S-shape fit to data on data : = (0.360 0.009) or 0.55 mm
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration End-Cap Angular Resolution
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration / 0 separation Needed for H to Rejection of ~3 at 90% efficiency for needed
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Barrel Intrinsic Time Resolution (19,11) (18, 10) (19,10) (20,10) (19, 9) Tool to reject instrumental Backgrounds Search for 0 G in GMSB SUSY models ~ Time difference (ps)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Future Test-Beams Combined Tests (Tracker, EM Calorimeter, Had Calorimeter, for barrel + end-caps) Tuning of online software Understanding/tuning of various shower packages (G4, Fluka etc) Test of calibration procedure Energy scale
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Electron/Photon reconstruction Bremsstrahlung recovery E/p measurement Low energy electrons identification Electron/Jet separation Conversion reconstruction Photon/Jet separation Z ee (online calibration)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Bremsstrahlung Recovery The ID represents about 0.5 X 0 before the EM calorimeter sizeable probability for Bremsstrahlung (20% of electrons loose 50% of energy as Brem photons within ID) Use the calorimeter cluster barycenter as an additional point in track fit
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Bremsstrahlung Recovery Standard -like fit Standard e-like fit (Brem allowed) Standard -like fit + calo position
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration E/p measurement 400 calorimeter regions can be calibrated at 0.1% with 1 M electrons 30M W e expected in 1 year at low luminosity ! Useful as a cross-check of Z to ee calibration
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Low Energy Electrons ID used to guide the calorimeter clustering Define probability distributions in various and P t ranges Combine Needed to tag b to eX events
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Electron/Jet Separation Combination of calorimeter information and ID information give a jet rejection over for 70% e p t 30 GeV(low lumi) % (high lumi)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Conversion reconstruction Use 3×7 cluster, plus E 3×7 vs R conv (from ID)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration /Jet separation Needed for H to Look for tracks within =±0.1, =±0.1 around 3×7 calorimeter cluster H to , Low lumi H to , High lumi
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Higgs mass resolution H to 4 e H to 130 GeV : 1.3 (low lum) 1.55 (high lum) Acceptance 80% within ±1.4 H to GeV : 1.54 (low lum) 1.81 (high lum) Acceptance 84% within ±2
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Calibration with Z to ee decays Expected event rate : 1 Hz at low luminosity 0.3 % accuracy possible over 0.2×0.4 regions (~400) within a few days
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Conclusions (1) Construction and assembly of significant parts of the detector achieved Significant milestones have been passed (Insertion of barrel wheel, start of end-cap assembly) Next important steps : Filling of the cryostats with Liquid Argon (2004) Full test of a complete ATLAS electronics crate (End 2003)
LHC Symposium 2003 Fermilab 01/05/2003 Ph. Schwemling, LPNHE-Paris for the ATLAS collaboration Conclusions (2) Lots of test-beam data (and work on it ) has given us confidence the detector meets the specs Thinking now shifts progressively to commissioning : Z ee, cosmic runs etc