The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting July 22 ~ 24, 2009, Beijing, China 16 th CJK NGN-WG (Standardization on DSN and Future Direction ) Shin-Gak Kang Telecommunications Technology Association
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 2 1. Introduction 2. Status of DSN Standardization 3. Current Issues of Q.19/13 4. Relevant Activities 5. Nest Step of Q.19/13 6. Conclusion Contents
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 3 1. Introduction New Question on DSN in ITU-T SG 13 Q.19/13: Distributed Services Networking Target of DSN; Bring new technologies such as P2P to NGN so as to leverage the performance of service and Reduce the CAPEX and OPEX by utilizing the resources in P2P paradigm Current Definition of DSN; the evolution of NGN as well as legacy IP based network, which provides distributed, operatable and manageable characteristics, to support various multimedia services Leaders of Q.19/13 Rapporteur : Mr. Jin Peng (China) Associate Rapporteur : Mr. Shin-Gak Kang (Korea)
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 4 2. Status of DSN Standardization Current Work Items in Q.19/13 Y.dsnscn: DSN Scenarios (Supplement) Editor: Ning Zong(Huawei), Yu Meng(ZTE), Jianyin Zhang (China Mobile), Masato Yamanishi(Softbank BB Corp.) Target date for SG Approval: Sept Y.dsnreq: DSN Requirements Editor: Yunfei Zhang(China Mobile), Haibin Song(Huawei) Target date for Consent: Jan Y.dsnarch: Architecture of DSN Editor: Jianyin Zhang(China Mobile), Shin-Gak Kang(ETRI), Xueqin Hu(Huawei) First Draft Rec. : May 2009
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 5 3. Current Issues of Q.19/13 Clarification of the Title of Question 19/13 It was proposed to change the term ‘DS Networking” as, “Distributed Service Network” Why ? DSN is considered as the evolution of NGN as well as legacy IP based network with distributed technology DSN is the Overlay Network; not Technology It needs to be clarified at the next meeting in Sep Concentration on DSN Requirements to complete it as soon as possible Target date for Consent: Jan Need more considerations about relationship bet. DSN Architecture and NGN Architecture
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 6 4. Relevant Activities ITU-T Q.15/11 (End-to-end Multicast) Develop Recommendations on End-to-end Multicast Solutions Framework and Protocols for multicast communications Relevant Tasks of Q.15/13 is to develop, Rec. on end-to-end Multicast communications protocols based on P2P technology to support streaming service such as IPTV and UCC Rec. on end-to-end Multicast communications protocols over NGN environments Collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6 on end-to-end Multicast Solutions Preliminary Joint Work Item: Streaming protocol based on Managed P2P technology
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 7 5. Next Step of Q.19/13 Draft Study Roadmap of Q.19/13 ~ : Architecture and Key Issues Phase 1 ~ : Architecture and Key Issues Phase 2 What’s the Key Issues after completion of DSN Architecture Framework DSN Capabilities ? Detailed Functional Architectures for each Specific Services ? Protocols to provide DSN service scenarios based on DSN Architecture ? Methods and Mechanisms to support DSN ? Collaboration and Coordination with other relevant Groups should be considered in the next step of Q.19 work to realize DSN
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 8 6. Conclusion Urgent Issus of Q.19/13 Clarify the Term and Scope of Q.19/13 Work Priority on Scenarios and Requirements Setup Concrete Architectural Model of DSN Future considerations Specify the next Key Issues for DSN Standardization Collaboration with other relevant Groups to realize and deploy DSN CJK Collaboration is the Key Success Factor of DSN Most of DSN standardization activities have been Participated and Contributed by the CJK members
The 16th CJK NGN-WG Meeting 9 Thank you for your attention !!! Question and Discussion Question and Discussion