Turning today’s most promising Startups into tomorrow’s most successful businesses Building the Entrepreneurial Eco-System of Pakistan Dr. Zahir Ali Syed Co-Chair MIT Enterprise Forum of Pakistan March 11 th, 2009
MIT Enterprise Forum of Pakistan Mission -- to improve the economic well being of the people of Pakistan through the development of an Entrepreneurial Eco-system Objectives: Working for oAvailability of Large Pool of Entrepreneurs oDevelopment of Investor Organizations/Individuals oPromoting Exit Mechanism oPromoting an Enabling Environment
Entrepreneurial Eco-System Entrepreneurs Universities, Incubation Centers Help & Support Mentors/Coaches SMEDA, CSF, BSF, ASF Service Providers Law Firms Accounting Firms CAN: Business Advisory Marketing Firms Funding FFF Angels & Networks (TAN) Private Equity, Venture Capitalists Banks Etc Govt. & Regulatory bodies Companies Customers Media Public
Entrepreneurship Development: Issues Universal --- High risk oFast & disruptive changes – Technology, business models, etc. oHighly competitive; competition from any place in the world Pakistan specific oImage problem internationally oLack of -- Stability, Security, Level Playing Field & Rule of Law and Restrictive Bureaucracy and Regulations oLack of Financing and Weak Infrastructure oLack of Quality HR oLack of Mentors/Coaches oLack of Awareness about Entrepreneurship oCost of Doing Business oCultural factors --- Failure – not acceptable; Lack of --- Creativity, Analytical and Critical thinking oLack of M&A( merger and acquisitions)
Universal --- High Gain oDeregulation & Liberalization oGlobalization--- Market: The whole world oTechnology Driven -- Paradigm shifts: Small/virtual teams can make large sums of money oAccess to --- Any type of info Pakistan specific oLow labor cost oA large, young and tech savvy population oA large local market with increasing buying power Entrepreneurship Development: Opportunities
The Way Forward: Build & Sustain the Eco-System Awareness Development oPublic, Students, Service Providers, Investors, Government and Regulators Capacity Building oEntrepreneurs oInvestors oService Providers oRegulators Providing an Enabling Environment oFunding oConducive Policies oExit mechanism oEtc.
MIT Enterprise Forum of Pakistan: Initiatives Entrepreneurship Courses/Seminars/Workshops Business Acceleration Program Tech Angels Network (TAN) Cambridge Advisors Network (CAN) Broadcast of MITEF Events Lectures/Seminars at various universities Key notes, Panels & Highlighting Success Stories Mentoring and Coaching Global Entrepreneurship Week-- Kaufman Foundation Etc.
Entrepreneurial Eco-System Entrepreneurs Universities, Incubation Centers Help & Support Mentors/Coaches SMEDA, CSF, BSF, ASF Service Providers Law Firms Accounting Firms CAN: Business Advisory Marketing Firms Funding FFF Angels & Networks (TAN) Private Equity, Venture Capitalists Banks Etc Govt. & Regulatory bodies Companies Customers Media Public
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