Human Resources Programme Executive Agency for Higher Education and research Funding Adrian Curaj Director General
Research “Research is the transformation of Money into Knowledge” Innovation “Innovation is the transformation of Knowledge into Money” All driven by skills and energy of PEOPLE
Key Challenges: Quality and availability of researchers in Romania; the European added value; - Quality and availability of researchers in Romania; the European added value; - A continuous Knowledge Flow: Researchers mobility, as a continuum process of brain drain, brain gain, brain circulation inter and intra sectors, cross country, across borders; the European added value;
Response to the Challenges: Support for professional career development; - Support for professional career development; PhD students: stipendium / fellowships; stipendium / fellowships; synergy with PO-HRD small research grants; small research grants; avoiding the drop rate, develop managerial capacity PostDoc funding schemes: PostDoc funding schemes: Attract the most promising young researchers to locate their research group in Romania; PostDoc Return Grant; PostDoc Return Grant; brain gain/brain circulation First PostDoc Grant; First PostDoc Grant; avoid brain drain; develop managerial capacity First PostDoc grant as research team coordinator; First PostDoc grant as research team coordinator; attractiveness of research career; develop managerial capacity Researchers of excellence: Researchers of excellence: Attract well establish researchers to locate their research team in Romania; brain gain/brain circulation/ internationalization of research
Response to the Challenges: Support for professional career development; - Support for professional career development; Researchers mobility : inter and intra sectorial; inter and intra sectorial; knowledge flow conferences; international conferences; international cooperation /collaboration /flow of researchers; joint research projects Reward for: - publishing in ISI Journals; - patents; Internationalization of Romanian research, by ensuring the equal - Internationalization of Romanian research, by ensuring the equal access of the foreign researchers; Next step: co-fund scheme in PEOPLE access of the foreign researchers; Next step: co-fund scheme in PEOPLE program program