American Imperialism
American Foreign Policy George Washington: Stay out of all foreign affairs Monroe doctrine: European countries may not have a base on America’s side of the world, OR ELSE…. Manifest Destiny: All land between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean was given to America by GOD.
Imperialism A stronger country taking over a weaker country, and controlling the weaker country’s politics and economy. Why would a country do this? 1.Expand or Die 2.To make money 3.Military power (Soldiers) /Military bases 4.Spread culture
ALASKA America buys Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million dollars (2 cents an acre). Also Known As: Seward’s folly Best purchase America has ever made.
Hawaii Many Americans go to Hawaii to make money. Queen Liliuokalani hates the Americans. Sanford Dole asks the President to annex Hawaii.
Hawaii The queen tries to kick the Americans out of Hawaii. The President sends the Marines to protect “American interests” (Money). The Queen gives up her throne and runs away. America annexes Hawaii in 1898.
Bell Ringer How are the goals of Manifest Destiny different from American Imperialism? (see yesterday’s notes)
The Spanish American War “A splendid little war” In 1898, Spain controls Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippine Islands.
How the Spanish American War began Cuban’s have been fighting for their independence from Spain. In January of 1898 a riot breaks out, and America sends the U.S.S. Maine to protect American interests.
U.S.S. Maine On February 15, 1898, the Maine explodes in the Havana Harbor. 266 men die America reports that the U.S.S. Maine hit a mine.
Yellow Journalism Is a type of Journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news, and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers. Techniques may include exaggerations of news events and sensationalism.
Yellow Journalism
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Yellow Journalism The newspapers have been printing negative things about how Spain is running Cuba. They wrote stories about war crimes Spain was committing against Cubans. Now the newspapers wrote stories blaming the destruction of the U.S.S. Maine on Spain. The American people want to go to war.
Spanish American War On April 25, 1898, America declared war on Spain. On May 1, 1898 America surprise attacks the Spanish fleet in the Philippines. Something smells fishy.
Spanish American War America beats Spain, and captures the Philippine Islands. America then captures the Island of Guam. Why does America want these islands?
Cuba In June of 1898 America attacks Spanish forces in Cuba Theodore Roosevelt leads the “Rough Riders” in Cuba. The Spanish naval fleet has been almost completely destroyed.
Treaty of Paris Spain surrenders in August of Signs the Treaty of Paris in December of The United States gained almost all of Spain's colonies, including the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba.
China The European countries have taken over all trade with China America wants to trade in China Open Door Policy – All European countries must allow America to trade with China.
Boxer Rebellion Many Chinese are sick of the Europeans. Violent anti-foreign and anti-Christian rebellion in China.
Panama Canal Columbia controls Panama. America wants to create the canal in Panama. Columbia refuses access. America “helps” Panama fight for its independence. America takes over the Canal Zone.
Roosevelt Corollary The United States has the right to get involved in any conflict in Latin America. America is now the police officer of the world.
Talk softly and carry a big stick.
Dollar Diplomacy William Howard Taft Promised to loan money to countries.
Moral Diplomacy Only help countries that are like America. Hurt or take over countries that are not like America. Invaded Latin America more than any other President. Woodrow Wilson
Good Neighbor Policy America will not get involved in Latin America anymore. America would be a “good neighbor” Most Latin American countries do not trust America anymore. Franklin Delano Roosevelt