1 Education Institute Education Supervision Office Social Sciences Department (Deriving Behavioral Objectives from the Social Studies Standards) (History of Qatar)
2 First: Writing Behavioral Objectives Second : Deriving Objectives from Curriculum Standards Third: Practical Exercise
Deriving Behavioral Objectives from the Social Studies Standards) (History of Qatar) Deriving Behavioral Objectives from the Social Studies Standards) (History of Qatar)
Group Cooperation Punctuality No Side Talks Mobile Silent 4 Ground Rules
Defining Learning Objectives and Behavioral Objectives Importance of Behavioral Objectives Types of Behavioral Objectives Areas of Behavioral Objectives Wrong Practices in writing Behavioral Objectives How to Identify Behavioral Objectives Deriving Objectives properly from Curriculum Standards Objectives
7 Introduction Working in the educational field requires complete clarity in terms of objectives, which are considered the main guide for educational work. Hence, the importance of objectives in the educational process. Educators should have accurate knowledge about the meaning of an objective, and they must be able to identify its educational concept.
8 Learning Objectives Educational Objectives Behavioral objectives Activity 1 Refer to the figure on the right, and clarify what is the difference between educational objectives and behavioral objectives
Learning Objectives Behavioral Objectives - Formulated in an accurate and specific manner. - Connected to teaching objectives (outcomes) and they are a description of the behavior that led to learning outcomes. - More accurate and specific from the general and specific objectives Educational Objectives Objectives Specific to a subject or training unit. They are short term, precise and concrete and they clarify what the learner should learn from a specific lesson or activity. The are formulated in a more specific manner than the goals Goals Broad statements that provide general intentions about what can be achieved through full educational process or educational program for e.g. the goals of the curriculum of primary or preparatory or secondary level
10 Help in identifying the appropriate teaching strategies Help in determining the classroom activities Help in selecting and identifying appropriate types and tools of assessment Importance of Behavioral Objectives Help in achieving the depth of knowledge properly
Forms of Behavioral Objectives
Simplified Form (1) Student behavior (2) who did the action (3) Academic content the results of World War 2 mention A student will be able to 312
13 Do you think that we can used the simplified form to write all objectives?
-Lacks accuracy and specification, hence it cannot be used in evaluating the achieving of the goals. For e.g. If one of our objective was “the student should be able to draw a political map for the Arab world”, and we wanted to know the extent to which this goal was achieved, we will find that there is a difference in terms of the criterion or the standard that we will use to judge if the goal was achieved or not. Some might consider that the student met the objective if he / she draw a political map for the Arab world and identified the borders and capitals, others will argue that the student must locate the important Arab cities in each Arab country. Simplified Form Disadvantages of Simplified Form
Complex Form accur ately On a blan k map of Qata r marine oil fields Will be able to locate The stude nt (1) Student behavior (2) who did the action (3) Academic content (4) Condition of performance (5) Performance criterion
In your opinion, which form is better for writing a behavioral objective properly: simple or complex form?
Medium Form on a blank map of Qatar marine oil fields Will be able to locate The stude nt 4312 (1) Student behavior (2) who did the action (3) Academic content (4) Condition of performance
We write behavioral Objective as follows: Who will do the action + will be + behavior + content + condition of performance + criterion The instructional behavior objective is made of 6 elements as follows: a)Who will do the action: is the student who will do the action b)Will be: stress on observing the behavior or performance c)Behavior: the action the student is able to do. It must describe the student’s behavior, be observable in the classroom and it must be easily measured. d)Content: is the content of the lesson that is required from the student to achieve e)Conditions of Performance: Under what circumstances or context will the behavior be performed, like giving some information that will lead the leaner toward achieving the goal f)Performance criteria: How well is the behavior to be done compared to which standard (accurately, fluency, with a margin of error…etc…)
Writing Behavioral Objectives 19 ABCD Method for writing objectives
A When we write an objective we focus on what student should do and not on the role of the teacher. Audience
B Behavior Smart Specific: Measurable: Attainable: Relevant: Time – Bound Smart Specific: Measurable: Attainable: Relevant: Time – Bound The behavior expected from students. What is expected from students to do should be SMART
Condition How and under what circumstances will learning occur? What will students be offered to learn? Condition How and under what circumstances will learning occur? What will students be offered to learn?
ABCD D Degree Determine the degree or criterion for satisfactory achievement of the objective linked to a specific time.e.g. 100% or 80% Degree Determine the degree or criterion for satisfactory achievement of the objective linked to a specific time.e.g. 100% or 80% 1 October
1 October behavioral objectives domains Cogniti ve objecti ves Affective objective s Psychomot or objectives
25 Write objectives that reflect each domain of the behavioral objectives Classify the objectives listed in the worksheet 1
Bloom’s TaxonomyBloom’s Taxonomy Webb’s Depth of Knowledge - DOKWebb’s Depth of Knowledge - DOK 26 Domains of behavioral objectives Educators attached a great importance to behavioral objectives and their classifications, as Bloom’s Taxonomy is one of the most common classification.
27 Bloom taxonomy to the Cognitive Domain
28 In the 1990s, one of Bloom’s students, Lorin Anderson, revised the original taxonomy. In the amended version of Bloom’s Taxonomy, the six basic levels of the major cognitive process categories were changed to indicate action because thinking implies active engagements as thinking is a active process, so using verbs or actions would be more accurate and descriptive. The first level of the taxonomy “acknowledge” has been changed since knowledge is the result of thinking process. So, it was replaced with “remembering” instead. The word comprehension has been replaced with understanding, whereas synthesis has been replaced as well with “evaluating”.
29 Bloom’s Taxonomy
levelsExample of verbs Recall a student is able to remember and repeat previous learnt information Mentions - defines Understands: A students Understand the meaning of information and what he learnt through explaining and translating what they leant Gives example- concludes – classifies- compares – explains – clarifies- distinguish s Apply A student use the information in different contexts Applies - extracts- points location on maps Analyze A student examine and divide the content into parts to understand Analyzes- compares- classifies Assess A student evaluates and takes actions depending on self reflection criticism and assessment Gives evidence – proves Create Innovate new ideas information getting benefit of what he had learnt. Designs- builds plans- produces- manufactures- collects Cognitive Domain
Wrong practices in formulati ng learning objective s More than one learning out come in the objective Writing objectives in a form of activity implement ed by the teacher Writing objectives in form of academic content Writing objectives in a form of general aims or purposes Writing objectives in a form of vague learning outcome Writing objectives that focus on learning
Activity 3 33 Classify the following objectives into inaccurate or accurate, and why?
Conditions and criteria of writing objectives –The objective should be derived from a standard of a lesson or a unit. –The process for creating an objective should specify students behaviour. –An objective should concentrate on new experiences to be acquired not the old ones. –An objective should be more specific & be clearly stated. ( addresses one topic) –An objective should be observable & measurable –An objective should be realistic and achievable in a period of time. –An objective should be aligned with other teaching elements (content-strategies –educational aids-assessment)
36 Deriving appropriate objectives from curriculum standards According to you previous experience, what is your understanding of the curriculum standards? curriculum standards are academic goals and expectations that a student is expected to know and skills to acquire in an academic stage.
37 activity ( 4) Instructions: Use learning primary resource. Each group has to choose a lesson including ( History and Citizenship) branches and answer the questions in the worksheet Time 15 min
Formative assessment – use questions that reflect knowledge depth of the standards activitiesDerived objectivestandard Formative assessment – use questions that reflect knowledge depth of the standards activitiesDerived objectivestandard 39 Use the learning primary resource
40 Discussion