The CEFR in the Netherlands Erna van Hest, Cito Strasbourg, 6-8 February 2007
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Introduction Concrete actions in implementing the CEFR in the Netherlands Problems experienced Solutions found
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Concrete actions Language teaching Adaptation of existing syllabi Widespread promotion of the European Language Portfolio among students and teachers
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Concrete actions Language testing: national level Revision of examination syllabi and examinations Dutch examinations linking project Linkage of state examinations for Dutch as a second language to the CEFR
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Concrete actions Language testing: international level Linkage of speaking and writing performances to CEFR EBAFLS (European Bank of Anchor items for Foreign Language Skills)
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Problems experienced Dissemination of the CEFR in Dutch language education and especially among language teachers The techniques of linking examinations to the CEFR
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Solutions found Language teaching Facilitating/supporting documents for language teachers Special CEFR training courses for language teachers Language testing Dutch examinations linking project Benchmarked reference tools
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February CEFR and language education The CEFR gives schools, teachers and students an international common framework to discuss and promote language competence and language learning Schools can use the CEFR to: –describe their language policies –compare their outcomes in the field of language learning
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February CEFR and language education Teachers can use the CEFR text types, tasks and level criteria as practical tools to: –structure their language lessons –guide tailor-made individualized language learning processes –provide feedback to students on their language performance and progress –discuss students’ results and performance targets with their fellow teachers
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February CEFR and language education THE CEFR allows students to: –structure and plan their language learning process –discuss their progress and achievements in a transparant way with their fellow students, teachers, parents and future employers –compare their language performance to fellow students, nationally and internationally
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Conclusions and recommendations The CEFR is a very useful instrument in promoting, structuring and testing foreign language learning. To make sure that the CEFR is to be implemented into schools and that it becomes part of everyday language teaching, there is a need for:
(c) Cito - Strasbourg 6-8 February Conclusions and recommendations a more user-friendly, practical version of the CEFR for use by teachers CEFR training materials illustrative materials in Portfolios benchmarked performances for the various skills