In this presentation, I am going to discuss the functions and features of two different apps. I will also talk about the user requirements and friendliness. The two apps I’m going to compare are Babbel and GuidePal.
A learning app is an app that helps you to find out information, and helps you to remember it. I am going to talk about Babbel, a language app, in the next few slides. This app is an app designed to aid you in learning a new language easily, and in a fun way.
The purpose of Babbel is to help you to learn a new language. However Babbel has a twist, it helps you to learn in a fun way, enabling you to remember it easily. This app also uses speech recognition to help you with your pronunciation. All of this apps features make it easier to learn a language on your own, without a tutor.
This app is targeted at both genders at any age above This is because many people like to learn languages, however at a younger age, they may find it much more difficult to learn a language. They would need to be able to use a phone with ease to use this app, so anyone who is uneducated in the means of technology would need help to navigate the app. The audience wants a fun, interactive and easy way to learn a language. It would need fun activities, a bright colour scheme and an easy to remember style.
This app is very easy to use, as it has picture to help people who learn through vision, and sound for people who need aural learning. Kinaesthetic learners would be better suited to a tutor teaching them. For those who struggle with pronunciation, there is a voice recognition function. The user navigates the app using obvious buttons that you press to move on to the next level and select difficulty and other things.
This app requires you to use a microphone. It also uses a speaker in order to project the pronunciation of the words to you in order to help you learn faster. It also needs a keyboard to sign into an account however on many touch screen phones, you can have the keyboard pop up when you click the empty box.
There are many interface elements in this app. There is voice recognition, with big pictures to help you to distinguish what they are. Also, when doing fun activities such as the play- understand function on the app, it has different letters that might be of use at the bottom, rather than the whole alphabet. This is designed to help you.
Activities to aid memorising Verbal communication to help your memory and pronunciation. Big buttons to help with navigation Voice recognition to help with pronunciation
This app sends notifications and s to you when there are updates and many other things. If you want a profile picture, it also accesses your camera roll. It can also access your social media sites if you want it to, to do this, you must allow it access to your social networking sites (eg; Twitter, facebook etc)
This app works on: Android Windows Microsoft IOS
The features of this app allow the users to be able to learn languages quickly and easily. The fun activities allow users to remember things easier, and to have fun whilst they do it. Having this on many different devices allows everyone with a smartphone to access this app. It also fulfils its purpose, meaning it teaches people languages in a fun interactive way. Babbel relies on a microphone, as without this, you wouldn’t be able to practice pronunciation, therefore one of this apps major advantages would be dysfunctional and make it a lot more difficult to practice a language.
Personal Opinion Customer Review Babbel has many strengths to its app. These are: The interesting activities- These help people to learn faster and easier as it aids their memory. It is also much more fun and engaging. Voice recognition- This helps people to work on their pronunciation. This is effective because it is easier to learn through this therefore it fulfils its purpose. Big pictures- These help people to remember certain things since they have something interesting to remember. For example if they use cartoons, it can be easier to remember the word through the picture. ‘A really effective App This is an excellent language app. I am determined to improve my basic French and I am sure this is the app to get me there. Well done babbel.’ ‘Helpful. I love this app! Easy to use and fun. Its the best way to learn a new language’
Personal Opinion Customer Review This app also has a few weaknesses. They are: There aren’t enough interesting activities- By adding more different games, it enables people to find a game that helps them most. Colours- The colour scheme isn’t very engaging. It is a little bit plain, and could do with a more exciting set of colours. Allowing you to access more words on the free version without paying- It is false advertising, as it says its free, however only the first set of words are free, and if you wish to continue, you must pay, therefore it could be completely free or completely paid for. ‘App is excellent, however could have more games’ ‘The app used to be amazing but now it's becoming annoying whenever the "pay to unlock this" windows keeps popping up. Also, you can now listen to the word once before it moves on which is annoying.’
A city guide app is an app that aids you when in a new city. This is an app that enables you to roam a city you are unfamiliar with, without getting lost, and missing interesting aspects of the city. I am going to talk about GuidePal. This app falls under navigation as it allows you to go around a city and gives you directions.
The purpose of this app is to help allow people to navigate around the city easily, without getting lost. It also points out the major landmarks and interesting places to visit. With this app, you wont miss an interesting place when visiting a new city.
This app is aimed at people who are unfamiliar to an area, and need to know their way around. The app is aimed at people who are in their mid thirties, as they will go away on their own, and this will help them to see the major attractions, without having to ask tour guides.
This app is easy to use, and has many cities all on one app. There are pictures of each city to help identify where you are to make it easier. It also has reviews of bars and restaurants, to allow you to find out about the places before you go there.
This app requires you to be able to have GPS location on your phone. It would enhance the ease of use for this app if it used the camera to help locate where you are. It also requires you to have internet connection, as you may need to access the links to reviews to make decisions to whether or not you want to go somewhere.
For this app you can use GPS because it allows the app to find your location, and find all the sort of things that are near you. It also has pictures to help you to compare where you are to where you want to be. This helps you to know where you are in an unfamiliar city.
Clear layout to help with navigation Clear what city to help people to distinguish where you are Icons to distinguish what sort of place it is Details about a place to help someone decide if they want to go there
This app accesses your camera in order to be able to help you to be able to identify the city easily. It can also sends you notifications if you need it to.
This app works on: Android Windows Microsoft IOS
This app has many different features that all relate to helping the app to be of easier use. By pointing out good places to visit within the city, it allows you to know where it is good to visit without knowing the city previous to your visit. By having pictures of the city, it enables people who struggle to read names to be able to know what the different cities are. By having GPS signal, it allows you to be able to know where you are, even if you don’t know yourself. It will also allow you to be able to know where things are around you, to help you to recognise where you are. Since it works on all devices it is easier for you to access the app.
Personal Opinion Customer Review This app has many strengths. They are: It has links to websites- These are helpful as they give more detail to the website and allows people to see the company site. GPS location- This allows you to find where you are if you are lost or if you want to find the nearest places to you, however aren’t sure where you are. Pictures- There are pictures of each city so you are able to find which city you’re in easily. “Nice application, good one” ‘Awesome! Finally free guides comes to town!’
Personal Opinion Customer Review There are a few weaknesses to this app. They are: Not really free- It is only free for one city, however after this you must pay for the rest of the cities. More cities- It has many cities however could do with a few more. Internet- You sometimes need internet connection to access websites, which uses your phone data. This can end up costing you more money! ‘NOT FREE Uninstalled !!!! Falsely advertised.... don't waste your money or time!’ ‘Error after I bought it I bought a guide, then it gave me an error and now I can't access what I bought. This is a straight up scam right now’