ACSM at Country Level Sub Group Meeting Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization (ACSM): Your Ally in TB Prevention and Care Efforts Nicole S. Schiegg ACSM at Country Level Sub Group Meeting Cape Town, South Africa 5 November 2007
What is the goal of ACSM? To support your TB efforts by: Improving case detection and treatment adherence Combating stigma and discrimination Empowering people affected by TB Mobilizing political commitment and resources for TB
Key Elements for Implementation Where do I start? Key Elements for Implementation
Key Elements for Implementation Planning → Implementation Create a national partnership/ task force Charged with planning, implementing and evaluating all activities Conduct an ACSM Needs Assessment Review epidemiological data Identify priority populations Determine behavioral goals Develop a Workplan and Budget Match behavioural goals and targeted audiences with activities Establish benchmarks and process/impact indicators Implement activities Develop, pre-test and produce materials Organize advocacy events, social mobilization activities, etc. Monitor and evaluate results National/ district/ provincial levels
Partnerships: Leverage Skills and Resources Identify the stakeholders. Establish communication channels. Ensure the free flow of information. Draw up and communicate the strategy clearly. Ensure that time frames are realistic and that deadlines are met. Plan and evaluate both partnership and intended change. Establish partnership working as the “usual way of doing business”.
Needs Assessment Who are the audiences? What are behavioral goals to be addressed? What are the barriers? What are your past experiences and current activities? Who are the stakeholders and what are the assets?
Establishing Baseline Data Available TB data and analysis: Epidemiological (new TB cases, people living with TB, death rate, etc.) Available Data to inform ACSM: Administration-policy analysis financial analysis, policy barriers, stakeholders analysis… Education-Media analysis literacy rates, circulation/audience stats Socio-behavioural?
What is a KAP survey? Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey Statistically-representative study of a given population Uses a pre-determined questionnaire Collects data that can be used for evidence-based decision-making in program planning
Why conduct a KAP survey? Data helps you set priorities (i.e., to determine the most common problems). Establishes baseline level of knowledge and baseline practices (to measure change as a result of interventions). Data contributes to advocacy (i.e., to show the magnitude of a problem).
Other Ways to Collect Data DHS Surveys Focus group discussions In-depth individual interviews (i.e.; with TB patients or medical providers) Observation of patient-provider interactions Exit surveys with TB patients Key informant interviews Stakeholder meetings
ACSM Process: Activity Indicators M&E Framework for ASCM ACSM Process: Activity Indicators ACSM Impact Advocacy Outcomes: Knowledge of opinion leaders Political commitment in policy and reports Coverage advocacy activities/campaigns Increased budget allocations Increased Suspect rates Communication Outcomes: Knowledge of population Coverage IEC activities/ campaigns Decreased Drop-out rates Social Mobilisation Outcomes: Partners/communities joint action (NTP) Coverage partners/communities TB plans Increased capacity
Resources & Technical Assistance How can I overcome obstacles? Resources & Technical Assistance
Ways you can ask for help… The design of formative behavior or demographic research studies or protocols (ex. KAP surveys, focus groups etc.) to establish baseline data, to identify target audiences and to determine behavior change targets; Data interpretation to aid message development and to also identify target audiences; Managerial assistance to develop ACSM strategy and to guide roll-out activities; Project management training around project implementation at all levels; Development of tools or instruments for ACSM monitoring and evaluation, which is required by the Global Fund; Micro-planning training for implementation at sub-levels.
Plans for 2008 EMRO ACSM Planning Workshop Country Technical Assistance Missions Consultant Training Consultant Guide
Contact Information Ms Young-Ae Chu (Country-Level ACSM) - ACSM at Country Level Website: