SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech C. LeeINT S. TulinCaltech S. ProfumoCaltech PRD 71:


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Presentation transcript:

SUSY Baryogenesis, EDMs, & Dark Matter: A Systematic Approach M.J. Ramsey-Musolf V. CiriglianoCaltech C. LeeINT S. TulinCaltech S. ProfumoCaltech PRD 71: (2005), hep-ph/ (PRD), hep-ph/ (JHEP)

The Origin of Matter & Energy Beyond the SMSM symmetry (broken) Electroweak symmetry breaking: Higgs ? Baryogenesis: When? SUSY? Neutrinos? CPV? WIMPy D.M.: Related to baryogenesis? “New gravity”? Grav baryogenesis ? Weak scale baryogenesis can be tested experimentally Cosmic Energy Budget ?

What is the origin of baryonic matter ? Cosmic Energy Budget Baryons Dark Matter Dark Energy Searches for permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) of the neutron, electron, and neutral atoms probe new CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem What are the quantitative implications of new EDM experiments for explaining the origin of the baryonic component of the Universe ? BBN WMAP

EDM Probes of New CP Violation f d SM d exp d future CKM If new EWK CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? Also 225 Ra, 129 Xe, d See Pospelov, Plaster

Baryogenesis and EDMs: Theoretical Tasks Attaining reliable computations that relate particle physics models of new CP-violation to EDMs of complex systems (neutron, atoms, nuclei) Attaining reliable (systematic) computations of the baryon asymmetryfrom fundamental particle physics theories with new CP-violation Nonperturbative QCD, atomic & nuclear structure Non-equilibrium quantum transport Non-zero T and  Spacetime dynamics of cosmic phase transitions Equally difficult but less studied This talk series

Baryogenesis: New Electroweak Physics Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition Is it viable? Can experiment constrain it? How reliably can we compute it? Theoretical Issues: Transport at phase boundary (non-eq QFT) Bubble dynamics (numerical) Strength of phase transition (beyond MSSM) EDMs: many-body physics & QCD

Systematic Baryogenesis Unbroken phase Topological transitions Broken phase 1st order phase transition F WS (x) !0 deep inside bubble n L produced in wall & diffuses in front Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Joyce, Prokopec, Turok “snow”

Systematic Baryogenesis Quantum Transport Equation Unbroken phase Topological transitions Broken phase 1st order phase transition =+ + + … Schwinger-Dyson Equations Riotto Carena et al Lee, Cirigliano, Tulin, R-M Konstandin et al Compute from first principles given L new

Systematic Baryogenesis Departure from equilibrium Non-adiabatic evolution of states & degeneracies Non-thermal distributions =+ + + … Generalized Green’s Functions: Closed Time Path Exploit scale hierarchy: expand in scale ratios 

Scale Hierarchy T > 0: Degeneracies M(T)  P (T) v W > 0: Non-adiabaticity vWvW Time Scales Plasma time:  P ~ 1/  P Decoherence time:  d ~ 1/  v W k) e.g., particle in an expanding box

Scale Hierarchy Time scales:  p =  int /  P ~  P /   d =  int /  d ~ v w k /  << 1  P  C f  /    m 2 +  C f T 2 + k 2 k /  1  v w ~ 0.1  int ~ 1/  P ~ 1/  P  d ~ 1/(v w k) Energy scales:    T << 1

Quantum Transport Equations =+ + … + Expand in  d,p,  Currents CP violating sources Links CP violation in Higgs and baryon sectors Chiral Relaxation Strong sphalerons Producing n L = 0 S CPV  M,  H,  Y,  SS From S-D Equations: S CPV  M,  H,  Y Numerical work:  SS Riotto, Carena et al, Lee et al Lee et al Approximations neglect O (   ) terms

Some Results: Preview

Baryon Number (Illustrative, MSSM) HiggsinosSquarks MSSM EWB: Higgsino- Gaugino driven

Resonant CPV & Relaxation Huet & Nelson CP violationRelaxation See C. Lee talk

Baryon Number &  Y Cirigliano, Lee, R-M, Tulin g H tLtL tLtL tRtR Joyce, Prokopec, Turok our  Y previous  Y  See S. Tulin talk

EDM constraints & SUSY CPV One-loop vs. Two-loop EDMs See S. Profumo talkSee C. Lee talk

EDM constraints & SUSY CPV SUGRA: M 2 ~ 2M 1 AMSB: M 1 ~ 3M 2 See Profumo talk LEP II Exclusion Neutralino-driven baryogenesis BaryogenesisTwo loop d e DM Considerations | sin   | > 0.02 | d e, d n | > e-cm M   < 1 TeV

Conclusions New EDM experiments can test -- and possibly rule out -- EWB as a paradigm for explaining the BAU provided sufficiently reliable computations of Y B can be performed Progress is being made in obtaining systematic computations of Y B by computing all relevant transport coefficients in a consistent framework There exists a rich phenomenology involving cosmology, EDMs, LHC, ILC in SUSY and beyond as well as additional formal work to be undertaken