Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 1 Alex Bogacz UITF Beam-line Modeling (2) UITF Mtg. JLAB,


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Presentation transcript:

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 1 Alex Bogacz UITF Beam-line Modeling (2) UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 2 Alex Bogacz UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 Cathode through Quarter-cryo Layout Gun Bend Wien Buncher 1497 MHz choppers A2 1/4CM A

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 3 Alex Bogacz Initial Beam Parameters at the Cathode UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 # Initial beam energy # $Tinj=0.350; => 0.35 (350 keV) $Einj=$Tinj+$Me; => $gamma=$Einj/$Me; => $beta=sqrt(1-(1/($gamma*$gamma))); => $Pinj=sqrt($Einj*$Einj-$Me*$Me); => # #Beam emittance and initial Twiss parameters # $RLaserSpot=0.03; => 0.03 (300 micron) $Tc=0.05e-6; => 5e-08(0.05 eV) $Ptr=sqrt($Tc*$Me); => $Teta=$Ptr/$Pinj; => $Emit=$Teta*$RLaserSpot; => e-06 (~0.07 mm mrad) # $Beta=$RLaserSpot/$Teta; => $FAccCol=28 $TetaF=$RLaserSpot/$FAccCol; => $Alpha=-$TetaF/$Teta; => $Teta $RLaserSpot $Teta

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 4 Alex Bogacz BETA_X&Y[m] DISP_X&Y[m] BETA_XBETA_YDISP_XDISP_Y Cathode end 15 0 bend Quarter-cryo  E = 7 MeV E kin = 350 keV L = cm B = 326 Gauss Cathode through Quarter-cryo  Optics UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 Wien Filter Choppers Buncher Lens 1 Lens 3 Lens 2 E = 7.86 MeV Skew quad 1 Skew quad 2 L = cm B = 343 Gauss L = cm B = 290 Gauss L = cm B = 274 Gauss L = 8.89 cm B = 290 Gauss L = cm B = 228 Gauss

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 5 Alex Bogacz Size_X[cm] Size_Y[cm] Ax_betAy_betAx_dispAy_disp Cathode end 15 0 bend Quarter-cryo  E = 7 MeV E kin = 350 keV L = cm B = 326 Gauss Cathode through Quarter-cryo  6  envelopes UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 Wien Filter Choppers Buncher Lens 1 Lens 3 Lens 2 E = 7.86 MeV Skew quad 1 Skew quad 2 L = cm B = 343 Gauss L = cm B = 290 Gauss L = cm B = 274 Gauss L = 8.89 cm B = 290 Gauss L = cm B = 228 Gauss  geom = 0.07 mm mrad

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 6 Alex Bogacz Wien Filter UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 Combined magnetic and electric field No trajectory change – balance between magnetic and electric forces # $fiWien=60; => 60 $LWien=30.95 $FIWien=$fiWien*$PI/180; => $BWien=$FIWien*$Hr/$LWien; => $EWien=-$BWien*$beta*$c/1e8; => #

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 7 Alex Bogacz 15 deg. Bend UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 # $fi=15; => 15 $Lbend=7.6; => 7.62 $Hr=$Pinj*1e11/$c; => $FI=$fi*$PI/180; => $B1DL=$FI*$Hr; => $B1=$FI*$Hr/$Lbend; => $G1=-0.5*$B1*$B1/$Hr; => $fb=-$Hr/($G1*$Lbend); => #

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 8 Alex Bogacz UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 Beyond Quarter-cryo  Layout quad magnet bpm corrector quad magnet bpm corrector viewer ion pump harp dump quad magnet bpm corrector quad magnet bpm corrector viewer ion pump differential pump insertable cup valve 1/4CM valve fast valve viewer ion pump quad magnet bpm corrector differential pumping quad magnet bpm corrector viewer ion pump dipole magnet

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 9 Alex Bogacz Size_X[cm] Size_Y[cm] Ax_betAy_betAx_dispAy_disp BETA_X&Y[m] DISP_X&Y[m] BETA_XBETA_YDISP_XDISP_Y E kin = 350 keV FODO Match after Quarter-cryo  6  envelopes UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 E = 7.86 MeV

Operated by JSA for the U.S. Department of Energy Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility 10 Alex Bogacz UITF Mtg. JLAB, March 9, 2015 Beyond the wall of Cave 1  Layout dipole magnet bpm corrector dipole magnet viewer ion pump quad magnet bpm corrector nanoamp cavity bpm raster nanoamp cavity bpm quad magnet corrector bpm viewer ion pump insertable cup valve