Title of film Awards- give the film a certain credibility. Critics comments- also add credibility to the film. Director Names of actors Slogan/Tagline- gives extra information about the action of the film. Main image -in this case there is one actor (main) in front, reveals he is the central character. Billing block- can include names of actors, directors, producers, producing and distributing companies, along with what the film is broadcast in (Dolby Digital) etc. Also can include the icons of certain companies/ beneficiaries.
Main actor- most famous, bigger fan base, attracts larger audience. Main image- full length shot, sets tone of film. It connote that children are out of control- (door bending) Tagline- plays on the mood of the play. 12 kids, neighbours reaction is immediate shock. (in film ) Title- in bold and block capitals, draws attention and the red makes it stand out from the other text and image. Obvious due to the placement of text around image that the main focus is the image as it will give us the most information about the film, plot and characters. Nearly gives away the genre instantly- Steve Martin is renowned for comedy! Billing block placed at bottom- not main focus, but has to be included (nearly to keep producers and other certain people happy)
Main image- of main actors/characters, grey/pastel (bright natural light) colour used, soft and gentle- romantic. Wedding ring in shot- married couple! She is smiling-happy and he is looking down at her- dominant yet protective/caring looking. Close up eye level- intimate film, easy to relate to. Names of actors Title- large font- handwritten typeface- fits in with plot, red makes it stand out from the pastel background, the colour also denoted love and romance. Tagline, fits into plot of film. Billing block. Date of release.
Tagline- eerie tone helps establish mood. Main image, dark colours, creepy ominous due to smoke in background sets tone of film- OBVIOUS GENRE! Slightly low angle to show Dominance and authority held by character, audience Feel threatened and scared- intended effect! ‘From the producers’ tagline- gives the film a certain Credibility “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” famous horror film- attracts similar audience. Title- block bold capitals, sharp font, red colour denotes danger and blood. Stands out from the dark background. Billing block and icons Release date
All titles are in red! Colours in image- horror, stark difference! Placing of title, billing block and release date Name of actors-none in horror- why?White background- purity or innocence to film? Design- all portrait. All contain general codes and conventions- all are successful- obvious these conventions work! Typefaces are different- different moods and genres call for new font? Angles and composition different!
All film posters use the same codes and conventions. Each genre and each film will have a different take on these conventions. Colour and typeface, impact what your audience denote from the poster. A film poster tells you a lot about the film so you need to be careful what you include and always think about who you are representing. There is no point trying to read a billing block because the typeface makes it impossible!