Usage Statistics: Real Examples from the Field Le Moyne College Noreen Reale Falcone Library Tom Keays November 20, 2015
COUNTER JR1 Report Journal Report 1 – Number of Successful Full- Text Article Requests by Month and Journal
JR1 Aggregate Usage Report Combines all the individual platform reports into a single spreadsheet. Normalize formatting between R3 and R4. Produce a combined aggregate total for all journal usage across all the platforms. Primary use case: gauge usage of individual titles across platforms. Aggregate data can be used in annual reports.
JR1 Aggregate Summary
Combined Usage Reports Aggregate full-text totals from JR1 and JR1a; aggregate full-text totals from BR1 or BR2; views from MR1; searches from DR3, JR4, or PR1; BR5 or BR6. Some searches from DR1 (to track usage of individual databases). Non-COUNTER data, normalized if possible. Some subscription status notes. Primary use case: annual reports. Benefit: useful for designing database version.
Combined Book Report BR1 - Number of Successful Title Requests by Month and Title BR2 - Number of Successful Section (Chapter) Requests by Month and Title Won’t have both reports, but feels like comparing apples and oranges.
Long-term Goals Develop a system that works with more than a single year’s worth of data at a time. – Model: Combined Book Report. Database: ERM or otherwise: – Coral – Licenses – terms of service, etc. Organizations & Resources – track contacts, subscription info., workflow notes. Usage – currently only JR1 & JR1a. – SharePoint or Academic Assessment Software – Tableau – – Schema-less [NoSQL] Database (MongoDB, etc.)
Questions? Usage Statistics: Real Examples from the Field