環境・生体試料中の PCB 異性体パターン 兵庫県立健康環境科学研究センター 中野 武
2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF 3,4,5,3',4'-Co-PCB 2,3,7,8-TCDD 1,2,3,5,6,7-HxCN 75 congeners 135 congeners 209 congeners
Trend of PCB Use in Japan Total 58,000t Amount of PCB use (t)
PCB product use in Japan Ar KC
KC300 KC400 KC500 KC600 Japan Homologue pattern reflects product use
PCB Homologue Distribution and Source Estimation
Source estimation KC300 KC400 KC500 KC600 Sediment A Sediment B Ship paint N.C.P. Insulator capacitor
To evaluate environmental risk
Daily variation of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in ambient air
Daily variation of Dioxin Concentration
Time trend of PCDD/F levels in ambient air
Time trend of PCDDs/PCDFs ( TEQ ) Matsumura et al, symposium of J.Env.Chem, Dioxin Emission Reduction Plan
Emission inventry (g-TEQ/year ) PCDDs/PCDFs ( pg-TEQ/m3) Emission inventry vs Level in air Matsumura et al, symposium of J.Env.Chem,
Time trend of Co-PCBs ( TEQ )
PCB 使用量 (t) PCB 濃度 (ng/m 3 )
Time trend of PCB levels in ambient air (log scale)
Time trend of PCBs concentration in ambient air (pg/m 3 ) Time trend of PCBs concentration in ambient air (ng/m 3 ) (pg/m 3 ) (ng/m 3 ) Ambient air
Low volume air sampler
Time trend of PCB levels in breast milk
Time trend of breast milk levels Dioxins PCB pg TEQ / g-fat µg g-fat Year ( ) Konishi et al. (2003) Konishi et al (2003) Organohalogen compds pg TEQ/g-fat µg / g-fat Year ( )
Development of congener specific analysis for PCBs using HT8-PCB
Congener number number of isomerof peak mono 3 3 di tri tetra penta hexa hepta octa nona 3 3 deca 1 1 total
Matsumura et al, J. Env. Chem. (2002) GC/MS-SIM chromatogram of TrCB (HT8-PCB) PCB product 13 C-TrCB
Matsumura et al, J. Env. Chem. (2002) GC/MS-SIM chromatogram of PeCB (HT8-PCB) 13 C-PeCB PCB product
Congener profiles of PCBs in environmental samples
Congener profiles of PCBs(Di-, Tri-) in environmental samples
Congener profiles of PCBs in environmental and human samples
Congener profiles of PCBs(Hexa-) in environmental and human samples
Congener profiles of PCBs(Hepta-) in environmental and human samples
Congener profiles of PCBs in human samples (breast milk)
Isomer profiles of TeCB PCB product mother milk #74 #66 #74 #66 #70 #52 #44 #60 #
Isomer profiles of PeCB PCB product mother milk #118 #105 #99 #110 # #95
Isomer profiles of HxCB PCB product mother milk #153 #138 #149 #
Isomer profiles of HpCB PCB product breast milk #180 #170 #
Congener profiles of PCBs in human samples (pooled blood)
# 28 # 31 # 74 # 80 # 99 # 118 # 153 # 138 # 163/ # 164 # 187 # 180 # 170 Tri-CBs Tetra-CBs Penta-CBs Hexa-CBs Hepta-CBs Chromatogram of PCB in human blood ( 3~7Cl ) Hirai et al, (2003) Organohalogen compounds #187 #180 #153 #138 #74 #99 #118 #
(n=24) CongenersMean ± 2S.D. Existence Ratio* (BZ#)(ng /g-lipid)(%) # ± 22.3 # ± # ± # ± # ± #163, ± #994.7 ± #744.6 ± # ± # ± # ± Sum75.6 * Mean is compare to total PCBs level Levels of the predominant PCB congeners in human blood Hirai et al, (2003) Organohalogen compounds cumulative (%)
human milk/adipose tissue #74 (2,4,4',5-) #99 (2,2',4,4',5-) #118 (2,3',4,4',5-) #153 (2,2',4,4',5,5'-) #138 (2,2',3,4,4',5'-) #187 (2,2',3,4',5,5',6-) PCB congeners predominant in human samples
PCB levels and Homologue profiles in Environmental samples
PCB levels in air, water, sediment and biota (2002, 環境省 ) Air Sediment Water Biota ng/m ng/L ng/g-dry ng/g-wet
Homologue profiles of PCBs in human samples
PCB の同族体分布
Air Water Bird Fish Shellfish Sediment 大気 水質 魚 貝類 底質 鳥
Air Water Bird abundance(%) Human blood Breast milk
Congener profiles of TrCB,TeCB in human and combustion sample (A)
PCB congeners predominant in human samples (TrCB, TeCB) PCB product Combustion Breast milk Combustion PCB product Breast milk
Congener profiles of TrCB,TeCB in combustion sample (B)
(stack gas) TrCB TeCB #68 #51 #
Congener profiles of PCB in human sample
12 DL-PCB(TEF)+di-ortho-PCB Predominant PCB in product Contribution of DL-PCBs in breast milk
Congener profiles of PCB in food sample
PCB congener profiles in food sample (Konishi et al ) ng/day
Congener profiles of PCB in human sample
PCB congener composition in human breast milk #187 #180 #153 #138 #74 #99 #118 #187 #180 #153 #138 #74 #99 #118
Salmon Breast milk PCB congener composition in human breast milk PCB congener composition in salmon #187 #180 #153#138 #66 #101 #118 #187 #180 #153 #138 #74 #99 #118
PCB product human #74 # #99 # #146 #
PCB metabolite OH-PCB, (OH) 2 -PCB
Thyroxine 4-OH-3,3',4',5-tetrachlorobiphenyl Thyroxine & TTR binding OH-PCB 4-OH-CB-79
Thyroxine 4-OH-2,3,3',4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl Thyroxine & TTR binding OH-PCB 4-OH-CB-107
CB-118 CB-105
4-OH-CB-146 CB-138 CB-153
4-OH-CB-187 CB-187 CB-183
Sediment OH-TrCB OH-TeCB OH-PeCB Chromatogram of PCB-OH by methylation (Sakiyama et al. J.Env.Chem.) OH-TrCB OH-TeCB OH-PeCB Fish (Sea Bass) 4-OH-CB-107 ?
PCB metabolite MeSO 2 -PCB
4-MeSO 2 -CB-149 Chiral metabolite
various PCB waste capacitorreactor waste sludge waste sludge (solid)activated carbonwaste cloth PCT transformer stabilizer PCB waste sludge ( outdoor ) solidified concrete + asphalt pavement soil adsorbent
Sealant containing PCB - material that is used for sealing of building - sealant of polysulfide polymer made during contains PCB glass window sealant of building joint department in building joint department in floor
Homologue profiles of PCB in sealant and air Sealant ( Low-Cl) Sealant ( High-Cl) Room air
transformer and capacitor : 370,000 stabilizer for Flu. lamp : 2,400,000 non carbon paper : 644,000 kg waste sludge : 117,000 kg waste : 105,000,000 kg other equipments : 33,000 waste PCB etc : PCB waste stock
transformer and capacitor : 370,000 stabilizer for Flu. lamp : 2,400,000 non carbon paper : 644,000 kg waste sludge : 117,000 kg waste : 105,000,000 kg other equipments : 33,000 waste PCB etc :
PCB waste stock transformer and capacitor : 370,000 stabilizer for Flu. lamp : 2,400,000 non carbon paper : 644,000 kg waste sludge : 117,000 kg waste : 105,000,000 kg other equipments : 33,000 waste PCB etc :
Isomer distribution (P 7 CB, Port Island in June,2001) KC Sea Water Mussel Intensity #174 #180 #170
Isomer distribution (O 8 CB, Port Island in June, 2001) KC Sea Water Mussel Intensity #202#201 #196 #203#194#195 #199