1 Chapter EIGHT: Developing Emotional Intelligence
Homework 2 Note: No late assignments will be accepted.
Quiz Time 3
Ice Breaker 4
5 Changes to the Syllabus Error
Developing Emotional Intelligence 8
4 Components of Emotional Intelligence 1.Emotional Self-Awareness – Knowing your feelings in the moment 2.Emotional Self-Management – Managing strong feelings 3.Social Awareness – Empathizing accurately with other people’s emotions 4.Relationship Management – Handling emotions in relatoinships with skill and harmony 9
What is Stress? “Any interference that disturbs a person’s mental or physical well-being.” ~ American Medical Association When our body response to a threat (stress), it produces stress hormones cortisol & epinephrine (aka adrenaline) Increases body’s heart rate, metabolism, breathing, muscle tension & blood pressure… “Fight or Flight” response 10
Stress Types 11 Astress – No growth, no change. Eustress – Opportunity to grow. Distress – Limited coping skills.
What are the Signs of Stress? Sweaty palms Rapid breathing Cold hands and feet Muscle tension Nervous Worrying Lack of concentration Sleeping more or less Angry outbursts Eating more or less Etc…………………. 12
The Eye of the Beholder 13
Balancing Act 14
Homework Journal 29 – page 258 Journal 31 – page 268 Journal 32 – page 284 (Chapter 9) Read Wise Choices in College – Managing Money – page Journals for 5 th edition only: 28, 30, 31
Study Guide Emotional intelligence Stress 16