CCJS e-Safety Questionnaire 2016
Q3: What Class are you in?
Q4: Are you a Boy or Girl?
Q5: How often do you use the internet
Q6: How many hours do you use the internet for?
Q7: What do you do online (Choose as many as you need to)
Q8: Do you play games online?
Q9: On which devices do you play games?
Q10: When playing games online do you.....
Q12: Do you have a social network profile? (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) Answered: 339 Skipped: 12
Q13: Do your parents visit your social network profile? Answered: 112 Skipped: 239
Q14: What do you do on your social network site?
Q15: Do you use special secure passwords for things you do on the internet? Answered: 339 Skipped: 12
Q16: Do you have your own mobile phone / tablet?
Q17: What do you use your mobile phone / tablet for?
Q18: Do you use your mobile phone / tablet for taking photos?
Q19: Do you...
Q20: Have you ever been bullied either online or by mobile phone?
Q21: Do you know of anyone who has been bullied either online or by a mobile phone