facebook Óscar Romero Galdámez met the Pope today. Was able to talk about the current situation in El Salvador and my grave concerns about supporting the government. WallPhotosFlairBoxes Oscar Romero Galdámez Logout View photos of Óscar (7) Send Óscar a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Write something… Share Information Networks: San Salvador. Birthday: August 15, 1917 Political: Non-Affiliated Religion: Catholic Hometown: Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador Friends RutilioPope JPPaulo LuisArturo Óscar Romero Galdámez has been inspired in recent days with a great desire for holiness.... I have been thinking of how far a soul can ascend if it lets itself be possessed entirely by God. February 4, 1943 Fr. Vallardes Pope John Paul II to Óscar Romero Galdámez What have they done? March 24, 1980 Óscar Romero Galdámez met the Pope today. Was able to talk about the current situation in El Salvador and my grave concerns about supporting the government. May15, 1979 Óscar Romero Galdámez can’t believe Rutilio is gone. “If they have killed him for doing what he did, then I too have to walk the same path.” March 12, 1977 Óscar Romero Galdámez appointed today as Archbishop of San Salvador – many seem disappointed in my selection... February 23, 1977 Óscar Romero Galdámez in Rome, was ordained earlier today into the priesthood. April 4, 1942
Personal Information facebook Óscar Romero Galdámez met the Pope today. Was able to talk about the current situation in El Salvador and my grave concerns about supporting the government. WallPhotosFlairBoxes Oscar Romero Galdámez Logout View photos of Óscar (7) Send Óscar a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Photos Networks: San Salvador Sex: Male Birthday: August 15, 1917 Hometown: Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador Relationship Status: Single Political Views: Non-Affiliated Religious Views: Catholic Activities: Leading the Salvadoran Catholic Church, fighting for human rights Interests: Theological study, liberation theology, the poor Favorite Music: La Misa Campesina, Salvadoran folk music Favorite Movies: El Norte, Salvador, Favorite TV Shows: None Favorite Books: The Bible The Salvadoran Church Updated last Tuesday 2 Albums San Salvador Updated two months ago Contact Information Address: Catedral Metropolitana de San Salvador, San Salvador, El Salvador Phone Number: Networks: San Salvador. Birthday: August 15, 1917 Political: Non-Affiliated Religion: Catholic Hometown: Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxes Oscar Romero Galdámez Logout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Photos of Óscar 7 Photos Óscar´s Albums 2 Photo Alums The Salvadoran Church 5 photos San Salvador 5 photos Profile Pictures 1 photo Óscar Romero Galdámez met the Pope today. Was able to talk about the current situation in El Salvador and my grave concerns about supporting the government.