Chapter 4 When Do Teachers Use Productivity Tools? Aerial Handshoe, Rachel Neff, Kristin Sessler
Goals Goal: Teachers use productivity tools to “make public the types of development, creativity, and other activities that their students typically do individually.” Pg. 100 “Promotes and encourages collaboration and the development of projects and papers.” Pg. 100 Allows student to become familiar with different software. Encourages participation outside the classroom.
Examples Google apps Google Docs - write and share papers Google Calendar - keeps families informed what is going on in the classroom Online Syllabus WizIQ - tutors students from home, has interactive whiteboard Zoho Writer - collaborative writing tool where you can continuously update
Where Can You Find More Information about Productivity Tools? Google tools provides videos and ways to use google apps. Teachertube provides videos that teachers share on how they use google apps in their classroom. For more resources see page 115.
Works Cited Schrum, Lynne., Solomon, Gwen. “Web 2.0 How-To For Educators.” International Society for Technology in Education: Eugene, Oregon, 2014.