Progression Read Drills: Drills that force your offensive players to READ a defense and make the proper decisions.
Objective: Teach players, through “progression read drills”, how to read a Defense and make GOOD DECISIONS. Teach coaches how to create progression read drills that fit YOUR system.
Why? 1. “Win or Tie” culture 2. Control tempo and time of possession. 3. Learn the concepts, not “the play’’. Push lax IQ 3
Win or Tie Culture - WIN = Goal - Tie = extended possession (2mins+). multiple “looks”. backed up shots. Whats needed: Good decisions and Discipline! Rules: 1. Move the ball forward 2. move the ball in 3-5 seconds. (3 to move it, 5 to initiate) 3. KNOW YOUR PROGRESSIONS/ READS 4
Control tempo and time of poss. 1. Dictate tempo. 2. wheres down opp. D 3. Allows your D to rest and make adjustments. 4. counter act elite Fogos. 5
Learn the concept, not “the play” 1. Life after High School/ push lax IQ 2. Smarter players = better results when things break down 6
The WHOLE ***Moving Slide*** 6v6 400 Offense 7
The Parts… that matter most. Where do you initiate from? *these “dodgers” are the QBs of your offense and need to think like TRIPLE OPTION QUARTERBACKS! 8
*in this scenario I need to drill the initiation/ progression reads from X and High Wing. ***Moving slide*** 6v6 400 O 9
Lets start at X… Progression: 1. 1v1 matchup 2. Draw and Dump (slide) 3. Ejection plan 10
1st read: Did you win your 1v1 matchup. ***Moving slide*** 3D from X 11
2nd Read: if you didnt, then what… 2v1s to reinforce the quick read and reactions progress. ***moving slide** 2v1 X and Mirror 12
3rd Read: Ejection plan **Moving Slide** 3d from X, push to sideline work w wing man who's working on the “arc” for time and room 13
3v3 slide recognition ***Moving Slide*** X, mirror, front wing. *dictate slide before whistle 14
Putting it all together… Front side O sets up backside. ***Moving Slide*** 5v4 X, mirror, front wing, point, alley. 15
High Wing progressions:1st read ***moving slide*** 1v1 shooting otr w pressure 16
high wing: 2nd read ***Moving slide*** 2v2 high wing w pressure, slow follow/ fire 17
high wing: Ejection plan (move ball forward) ***Moving slide*** 3v3 high wing/ pressure, Slow follow/fire, X w D starting inside. 18
THE WHOLE: ***Moving Slide*** 6v6 full 2/3 times through 19
BONUS: pass down, pick down series. THE WHOLE ***Moving slide** 6v6 pass down, pick down to set up back side 1v1 20
1st and 2nd read: 2v1: Pass down, pick down. ***Moving Slide*** 2v1 pass down, pick down, sprint fwd. 21
3rd read (ejection plan): move ball fwd *2nd d is showing, but really not worried about the pick action. ***moving Slide*** 3v2- move ball fwd 22
Putting it all together: 2 man game on front side sets up the back side 1v1. ***Moving Slide*** 4v3 pass dwn, pick dwn, fwd to 1v1 on wing, with X. 23
THE WHOLE ***Moving Slide*** 6v6 2/3 time through 24