WP3; 15 Jan 2015; John Wilson.1 Birmingham Update All back and operational after Christmas! Simon in contact with Dario Ariza at DESY re gluing (Boron Nitride loaded). Metrology (Sam’s slides) 1
WP3; 15 Jan 2015; John Wilson.2 Measurement Discrepancies Reminder: Panel received from Liverpool, measured on CMM here prior to gluing. Large discrepancies noted between our measurements and those of Liverpool Hybrid 0Hybrid 1Hybrid 2Hybrid 3Hybrid 4Hybrid 5Hybrid 6Hybrid 7 LiverpoolAverage BirminghamAverage Difference Measurements are in µm below touch down pad height We think that the Liverpool measurements may have been made before the panel was re-flowed - hence the large differences in height measured. Panel sent back to Liverpool to be re-measured.
WP3; 15 Jan 2015; John Wilson.3 Comparison after remeasurement Liverpool have now re-measured the panel, so both measurements have been taken after the re-flow: Hybrid 0Hybrid 1Hybrid 2Hybrid 3Hybrid 4Hybrid 5Hybrid 6Hybrid 7 LiverpoolAverage BhamAverage Difference Measurements are now much closer but average differences still significant for some hybrids and large differences for some ASIC pads on some hybrids (next).
WP3; 15 Jan 2015; John Wilson.4 Hybrid Measurement Comparison Reasonable agreement for 0, 1, 2; poor for 3
WP3; 15 Jan 2015; John Wilson.5 Reasonable agreement for 6; systematic shift for 4; poor for 5,7.
WP3; 15 Jan 2015; John Wilson.6 Measurement discrepancy: what to do? Difference (Bham-Lpool) now < ~ 20 microns (due to before and after reflow?) But still (point by point) sometimes a discrepancy at 40micron level Bham CMM measurements have been reproducible at level of a few microns. We assume similar for Liverpool optical measurements. Therefore propose: i) Lpool and Bham remeasure this same panel and get 3 rd opinion (Cambridge?) ii) With new stock of panels, measure in Lpool initially and then on reception in Bham, as usual, and check for similar discrepancies. iii) If Bham measurements are reproducible at level of a few microns, then proceed with gluing etc. 6