ioNodes – A basic understanding Michael Davies University of Liverpool
What is an ioNode? io = interoperability Node = A connection point in a network for data transmissions. ioNode = A configuration and messaging point within an interoperability network. A list of ioNode configurations ioHub ioAgent ioConsort ioDB
What is an ioNode? An ioNode provides:- the sending and receiving of data the transformation of data Authentication ioHU B ioDB ioAgent LUSID database PDP application Liverpool University Wirral Met
Messaging and transformation
ioNode in the SHELL project ioNode was originally conceived in response to the JISC SHELL project Southwest Hosts Enhancing Lifelong Learning (SHELL) ETL Solutions ioAgent – messaging component ioHub – message routing ioTransform – data transformation ioDB – XML persistent data store Phosphorix Network solutions and framework
ioNode in the SHELL project
Possible Problems The ETL transformation manager - Transforming different data formats Compatibility with different applications Security of information - Is it configurable?
Future possibilities
Questions ?