Better automation for lateral mark alignment 2 additional camera for measurement of marks. – 4 marks with 2 steps by fixing on main optics Idea of 2 additional cameras is already engaged in Japanese system. however, it’s fixed on the stage and can measure only 2 marks. – no oil is needed. – quick and reliable. Lateral marks Additional cameras Main optics Camera and holder, made in house. Very nice! Camera 640x512 pixels LED light A. Ariga
Installation Completed for 5 microscopes ! 4 of them are working. – (1 has OS problem) Camer a View marks 1cm A. Ariga
Demonstration g g A. Ariga
Performance B following 6GeV/c muon – RMS ~ 4 microns – Enough for Scanback RMS = 3 microns RMS = 4 microns systematic shift… A. Ariga
With Sub camera system with previous system some problems due to dry objective lens. some failures due to scratch on films. Performance, speed and reliability Time for SB per plate Plate change + stabilization: 40 sec Mark recognition: 13 sec Scanback (single track): 15 sec Goal : <5% of human help. = < once / 20 plates Currently ~6% is achieved. = once / 15 plates Failure rate (1 entry = 1 brick) Time for SB (sec/plate) A. Ariga