+ 英語教學概論 9A2C0004 黃怡潔 9A2C0006 郭品嫻 9A2C0007 吳琇媛 9A2C0024 徐夙芳 9A0C0012 潘秀娟 9A0C0057 林嘉榮 Final report The Three Little Pig
+ Video: Let’s see the video~
+ I will build a strong house. Review…
+ The wolf will never come in. Review…
+ I will blow your house down! Review…
+ He huffs and puffs! Review…
+ The wolf blows the house down ! Review…
+ I will go down the chimney. Review…
+ Let’s make a fire! Review…
+ straw wood vocabulary vocabulary …
+ brickchimney vocabulary vocabulary …
+ huff & puff vocabulary vocabulary …
+ blow ladder vocabulary vocabulary …
+ Q & A Biggie builds a house with ____. Middie builds a house with ____. Junior builds a house with _____. straw wood bricks
+ Q & A 1.Whose house was the most strongest ? A: ____. 2.The wolf climbed on to roof by ____. A: ____. 3. How did the three little pigs drive out the wolf? A: ____. Junior ladder make a fire
+ Thanks for your listening