M&E 3 Presentation Group 6
Cost Modeling of a green building A Estimating technique on the cost matter of a building in the light of design, construction, operation and disposal. For instance, the initial cost of a green roof may appear to be high, but the life expectancy and the aesthetically pleasuring landscape gives the building an environmentally friendly approach to the community.
Section 0 General Rules Relates to SOQ for all trades specified in NZS4202 Covers all aspects of costs of work for a particular job Preambles put in place for allowances of works not scheduled in SOQ The rules of measuring the scope of work
Appendix A – Air Duct-work A systematic and methodical approach on measuring duct work All calculations are based on air stream size Surface area P x L, where P perimeter of largest end L length of duct or fitting calculated as follows:
Section 25 – Mechanical Services How to Price the Mechanical services section The rate shall included in the pricing schedule that have been prepared under the governance of NZS 4202 section 25 Gives comparable pricing schedule to the related parties in the elevation process.
Reference of relevant text books Ashworth. (1999). Building in value. New York: John Winely & Sons Inc.,. This book will gives an understanding of the concept of value in building and how they, as practitioners in the or chosen field, can help their clients to maximize the value they get when they invest in the buildings RSnans. (2011). Green Building. New Jersey: John Wileny & Sons This book focus on how green building will help the enviroment and how will it save money in long run
Reference from companies that relate the topic Avastthi, B. (2013, April 23). Sustainability Guide. Retrieved from Green Building: modeling.com/sustainability/page/2/ modeling.com/sustainability/page/2/ This website gives us the understanding that the Cost of green building is generally lower if done from the initial stages of modeling, and design
Reference from Journal Article On-site or off-site renewable energy supply options? Life cycle cost analysis of a Net Zero Energy Building in Denmark Marszal, Anna Joanna, Heiselberg, Per, Jensen, Rasmus Lund, & Norgaard, Jesper. (2012). On-site or off-site renewable energy supply options? Life cycle cost analysis of a Net Zero Energy Building in Denmark. Renewable Energy, 44, 154. Life cycle cost analysis and takes the private economy perspective to investigate the life cycle cost of different renewablr energy supply options, and to identify the cost-optimal combination between energy efficiency and renewable energy generation
What are the Themes you have identified? Renewable energy – On site or off ? Sources of energy ? Wind? Solar? Cost modeling on waste water treatment from smaller community perspective to individual building?
How do these themes relate to the topics Themes we have identified are generally specific to the building operation in the design and running cost perspective. Which we believe it could be a good example decision making process when considering the first step of building design with green in the design concepts and cost issues ( initial cost and cost saving in the long run)