Prepare yourself for the college visit!
Activity…Let’s see what you know!
College basic terminology… What is a … Undergraduate studentAn undergraduate student is a student who is studying for his/her first Associates or Bachelors degree…usually takes a student 2-6 years to complete Graduate studentA graduate student is a student that pursuits an advanced academic degrees (i.e. master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree PhD studentThe PhD is a doctoral degree, specifically called a "doctor of philosophy" degree. MajorSpecialize in (a particular subject) at a college or university. Financial AidFinancial Aid is any grant or scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to help a student meet his/her college expenses. Such aid is usually provided by various sources such as federal and state agencies, colleges, high schools, foundations, and corporations.
Plan your visit!...before the trip ▪ Discuss your vision for the event ▪ Start thinking about your interest! ▪ What are your priorities for the visit? ▪ What do you want to learn from this college? Example Questions… What requirements are required to attend this school? What majors does the school offer? How much does it cost to attend this school? Is their financial assistance offered for this school? Make a list of multiple questions to ask! Remember…if you do not have questions, you will not have answers!!!
Continue on planning ahead… Plan Ahead!... The campus will be very busy with students and professors going to class. Stay with the group and do not wonder. When you meet someone who teaches college students, address them using the title of “Professor” or “Doctor” unless they tell you otherwise. Dress appropriately, wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. Leave iPods, video games, and other entertainment at home. Bring your list of questions
During the visit… ▪ Try to collect… Items to collect An admissions application A campus brochure A financial aid pamphlet The list of majors offered in that school A list of Requirements for admission Ask your questions! Have FUN!!!
After the visit… ▪ Discuss your college visit with your parents at home ▪ Tell them what you learned and what your plans are after high school ▪ Do more research about the different campuses (online, your counselor, career center, etc.) ▪ Talk to your teachers about their college experience! ▪ Get informed…now is the time to start planning ahead!
Know the requirement to enter a CSU/UC
What college will you be going to? 23 California State Universities campuses 10 University of California campuses
Activity…Let’s see what you know now!
Thank you!