Project Title Name(s) School Name s(s)
Abstract Paste your abstract here
Bibliography Paste your bibliography here
Statement of Problem Paste a copy of your problem (in the form of a statement or question).
Hypothesis Paste your hypothesis here.
Procedures A SUMMARIZED version of your procedures goes here. It should still be numbered. Include the key steps.
Photos / Diagrams / Examples Paste photos of what you did during your project (students taking the test, plants growing, etc.) Paste videos / copies of the tests given / diagrams explaining steps in your procedures (if appropriate)
Findings / Graphs Paste copies of your LABELED graphs. Graphs without labels are useless! Tables with your mean, standard deviation and 5 number summary for all your data tables.
Findings / Graphs (continued) Paste copies of your LABELED graphs. Graphs without labels are useless! Tables with your mean, standard deviation and 5 number summary for all your data tables.
Conclusions Put a SUMMARY / OVERVIEW of the conclusions of your project here. It should be at least TWO paragraphs.
Conclusions (continued) Put a SUMMARY / OVERVIEW of the conclusions of your project here. It should be at least TWO paragraphs.
Recommendations Paste a copy of your recommendations here.