Olga Clayton Head of Housing & Building Services North Ayrshire Council
The Homeless Persons (Provision of non-permanent accommodation) (Scotland) Regulations Section32A Section 3 Gives Local Authorities the ability to provide non permanent Accommodation where certain circumstances apply as detailed in section 4 and 5 of the legislation
Section 4 : Transitional Accommodation Housing support assessment concludes that permanent accommodation is inappropriate due to level of support needs - As a result of housing support assessment transitional accommodation is being provided along with - required housing support and a record of all services to be provided - Access to independent advice and information - An agreed and recorded timetable for provision of accommodation and support - A review date of no less than 6 months - Provision of permanent accommodation - Monitoring framework re use of transitional accommodation and applicant outcomes
Implementation Transitional Accommodation How do we identify clients Accommodation Type Support provision Monitoring arrangements Discharge of duty
Section 5: Provision of non-permanent accommodation Discharge of duty can be made on securing a short assured tenancy with a minimum duration of 12 months -No more than one previous SAT of a duration <12 months preceding offer -The LA considers the accommodation to be affordable -Support needs can be met within the tenancy and is available -Applicant is advised of tenant and landlord rights and obligations and has been directed to independent advice and information -Applicant agrees that they agree to allow duty to be discharged
Implementation non-permanent discharge Staff Training Private sector buy in/ Use of RDS Allocation procedures Links with landlord registration Client buy in Information coordination Independent advice an information Monitoring and evaluation
Resources Assessment staff Support availability Financial Advice and information Monitoring arrangements Time process
Other considerations Current financial climate Size, location and quality of stock Single room rents for under 25’s Impact on repeat homelessness