COACHING PLC Skill Up to Scale Up
Why?What? How?Who?
Why?What? How?Who?
Poll Question #1
Part-time teachers / coaches (Peer Coaching) 1 1AA Full-time coaches (FTE allocation) BB Itinerant Staff CC Combination of the above DD Other (type in the WHO in chat) EE Who primarily serves as instructional coaches in your respective settings?
Focus on roles and functions, NOT titles. Why?What? How?Who?
Part-time teachers/part-time coach (peer coaching) Full-time coaches (FTE allocation) Itinerant staff Combination of the above Why?What? How?Who?
All can learn the SKILLS needed to provide feedback for improving classroom instruction. Why?What? How?Who?
credibility and experience with the target skills Why?What? How?Who?
Why?What? How?Who?
Poll Question #2
It reduces teacher turnover. 2 2AA It is cost effective. BB It results in improved teacher behavior. CC It allows for evaluation of teacher behavior and fidelity of implementation. DD All of the above. EE Why allocate resources for instructional coaching?
Working smarter not harder. Why?What? How?Who?
StateDavis County vs.
StateDavis County -3.9% vs.
StateDavis County -3.9% -10.9% vs.
What’s the Cost?
Recruit, Hire, Train National Commission on Teaching & America’s Future
Administrative Savings
What’s the Cost to the Child?
Evidenced-Based PD Coaching Impact Joyce & Showers, 2002
Why?What? How?Who?
Student Benefits Organization Drivers Competency Drivers Leadership Integrated & Compensatory Fixsen & Blase, 2008
Student Benefits Organization Drivers Competency Drivers Leadership Coaching Training Selection Integrated & Compensatory Fixsen & Blase, 2008
Evidence-Based PD Any skill development effort should be supplemented with active coaching: to facilitate fidelity of implementation. to facilitate sustained implementation. Rob Horner, 2010
prompts corrections successful behavior unsuccessful behavior Active & iterative delivery of: Rob Horner, 2010
Coaching is done: by someone with credibility and experience with the target skill(s) on-site, in real time after initial training repeatedly (e.g., monthly) with intensity adjusted to need Rob Horner, 2010
Why?What? How?Who?
Establishing Coaching Infrastructures Focus on roles and functions of coaches, not titles. Related servers, teachers, and administrators can all learn the skills needed to provide feedback for improving classroom instruction. Share data about how instructional coaching can help reduce turnover and save $$.
Model Instructional Coaching Support Systems
New Teacher Training Running Start
Why?What? How?Who? Induction Specialist Coaches
Why?What? How?Who? Infrastructure to address teacher shortage (SPDG Performance Measure)
Why?What? How?Who? Vital Teaching & Coaching Behaviors
T each routines & procedures E xpectations A ttention C ycle of instruction H igh rate of reinforcement E rror correction R esponse opportunities
Teaching Behavior Benchmarks Criteria Vital Behavior RedYellowGreen Ration of +/- < ≥4 Praise/Min < ≥4 OTRs < ≥6 Error Correction <75%75-99%100% Academic Engagement <80% %≥90%
C ommunication skills O bserve & collect data A ssist with materials, curriculum & lesson plans C oaching cycle H elp in making data-based decisions E motional support & encouragement M odeling
Why?What? How?Who? Training Ongoing Coaching Data Feedback Loop
4 Phases of running start
What Difference Does it Make?
Inter-observer Agreement IOA (%)Range (%) OTRs ROI Rate of Error Correction
MOVING FORWARD Coaching Matters! Transfer all observational data to LEA instructional coaches Collect Observer agreement data on 20% of observations Train instructional coaches on online data entry Scale up State-wide
Utah Coaching Network
Why?What? How?Who? LEA Instructional Coaches
Why?What? How?Who? Increase LEA Capacity
Ogden City Schools Executive Director K-6Director Human Resources Coordinator Special Education School Support Team Instructional Coaches All Teachers Induction Coordinator Lead Coach Instructional Coaches Provisional Teachers Teacher Specialists Special Education Coaches Special Education Teachers
Why?What? How?Who? Vital Teaching & Coaching Behaviors
Why?What? How?Who? Ongoing Training - microteaching Ongoing Coaching Data Feedback Loop
What Difference Does it Make?
Inter-Observer Agreement CriteriaRangeMean OTRs (in 10 min) ROI12: :1 Error Correction 100%67-100% Target Behaviors in Isolation
Inter-Observer Agreement CriteriaRangeMean OTRs (in 10 min) ROI8:14-107:1 Error Correction 67%67-100% Target Behaviors Simultaneously
SCALING UP Ongoing PD = Highly Skilled Coaches Highly Skilled Coaches + LEA Infrastructure = Scaling Up
Organization Drivers Competency Drivers Leadership Integrated & Compensatory STUDENT BENEFITS
Organization Drivers Competency Drivers Leadership Coaching Training Integrated & Compensatory STUDENT BENEFITS
Organization Drivers Competency Drivers Leadership Coaching Training Integrated & Compensatory Systems Intervention Facilitative Administration Decision Support Data System STUDENT BENEFITS