Welcome, Parents! Mrs. Gale- Biology and Life Science
This year’s goals We will be covering the broad spectrum of topics embedded in Biology/Life Science I also hope to help students gain confidence and competence as informed consumers of scientific information, and increase their argumentation and reasoning skills
On the Web… At our school’s site (sphstigers.org), I post daily homework and reminders. For some units, I will also post my notes once we have gone over them in class, keys, or extra copies for absent students You should also have access to our aeries portal to view student grades in progress.
Expectations for Class Please see the syllabus… –Generally, homework is given daily. –Homework grades are often based on completion and effort –Students are expected to take responsibility by ing or asking questions in class if needed Students should also be able to demonstrate mastery of the material on quizzes and exams
How to reach me You can always I check my at least once per day, and will respond to questions within one day during the week. Phone calls are a bit harder, but if you need me to call you, feel free to leave a message with the office (or , and I can call you back)
Availability I am available for small group or one on one help with students most days afterschool or at lunch I request that students let me know at least one day in advance so I can make sure we have a quiet place to study (if not in this room, then usually the library)
WISH NIGHT For learning and practicing argumentation in science, we could use a class set (1 per group) of large whiteboards and the associated supplies (markers and erasers)