Where are all of the missing parents? Grandparentage analysis identifies reproductively successful residualized hatchery fish Mark Christie, Melanie Marine Michael Blouin
Additional gene flow from hatchery to wild Unknown trout population 60% missing parents Introduction J. McMillan
Complete sample of anadromous fish Hood River, winter run Study system
S = Steelhead N = Non-anadromous R = Residual hatchery N 1,3 S 5,6 1,61,6 S S R 1,2 S 3,4 1,3 S ? Wild Steelhead
? S 5,6 1,61,6 S Parentage
Parentage procedure 1.Correctly identify 1 true parent 2.Ensure 2nd parent is truly missing Incorporated error rates Double check that missing parent was not incorrectly sexed
Missing parents
BroodyearN Total N No Father N No Mother Missing parents H o : N No Father = N No Mother p < 0.001
S = Steelhead N = Non-anadromous R = Residual hatchery N 1,3 S 5,6 1,61,6 S S R 1,2 S 3,4 ? Broodstock
Grandparentage results
Offspring with missing fathers (N=753): 5.2 to Percent assigned to hatchery broodstock Offspring with missing mothers (N=150): 12.0 to Total (N=903): 6.3 to Expected number false matches = 0.003
Reproductive Success HatcheryWild Hatchery Trout (Wild) Anadromous Resident G-test of independence : (14) (454)(257) (25) p < 0.03
Reproductive Success HatcheryWild Hatchery 612 Trout (Wild) 5791 Anadromous Resident G-test of independence : p = 0.667
% 77% 20% Age at spawning Year broodstock grandparents spawned = Year hatchery residualized fish born Broodyear of grandoffspring = Year hatchery residualized fish spawned
Age at spawning Mann-Whitney : P < 0.001
Conclusions Grandparentage is an effective tool Residualized hatchery fish do reproduce Trout populations are very important Hatchery residualized males and females 28 % Wild Steelhead have 1 trout and 1 anadromous parent
Acknowledgements Hitoshi Araki, William Ardren, Kaitlin Bonner, Becky Cooper, Lyle Curtis, Rod French, John McMillan, Ivan Phillipsen, Catherine Searle, Jeff Stephenson, Oregon State Center for Genome Research and Biotechnology, ODFW staff, and Bonneville Power Administration.
BroodyearN Putative Lower% AssignedFpairsPr(G)Upper% Assigned Total BroodyearN Putative Lower% AssignedFpairsPr(G)Upper% Assigned E E E E E E Total E Both Sexes Total Grandparentage results
BroodyearN Total N Mother FpairsPr(φ)N No Father BroodyearN total N Father FpairsPr(φ)N No Mother Missing parents H o : N = N p < 0.001
Identification of hatchery residualized fish Hood River, winter run Study system
Grandparentage methods 1 Parent, + Broodstock Matrix No Parents, + Broodstock Matrix No Parents or Broodstock Matrix
BroodyearN Total N Mother FpairsPr(φ)N No Father BroodyearN Total N Father FpairsPr(φ)N No Mother
Grandparentage methods Broodyear of SteelheadExpected #Actual # w/ missing fathersfalse trios All years7.357 Broodyear of SteelheadExpected #Actual # w/ missing mothersfalse trios All years0.861