Today we will learn Adobe Photoshop skills to help us to create our lettering for our movie. Please gather around the screen so that we can have a look at some examples and techniques. Year 10 with Miss Hudspith:
Lesson Objectives: 1. To consider how to design a suitable font your chosen movie. 2. To experiment and learn new skills in Adobe Photoshop. Success Criteria Must: Have added a word from your movie title to an A4 sheet in Photoshop and experimented with different effects. Should: Have come close to developing a lettering style for your movie poster, making notes as you go on how you did it so that you can reproduce it again. Could: Have experimented with two or three different styles. YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO PRINT YOUR WORK OUT TODAY, SO THAT I CAN SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE DURING THE LESSON.
Example – Simon’s choice of book. Font = “Chiller”. Effects = changed colour, bevel and emboss, stroke, rasterize layer and erase.
Example – Beth’s choice of book. Font = “French Script MT”. Effects = swatch style, drop shadow.
Example – Ben H’s choice of book. Font = “Stencil”. Effects = gradient overlay, motion blur, unsharp mask, eraser, select and cut, outer glow, unsharp mask.
When you are asked to go to your computer: Open Photoshop 7 (not Photoshop Elements). SCHOOL SOFTWARE > EVENING CLASS SOFTWARE. Set up a new A4 (resolution 150dpi) to work on. FILE > NEW Add your text: Experiment with different fonts, tools, filters and layer styles to make your text more interesting. If you need help, put your hand up and wait and I will come to you as quickly as I can. At 11am I would like you to print out the A4 sheet so that I can see how much work you have done.
FONTS: once you add your text, you will be able to change elements of the font in the character palette - WINDOW > CHARACTER TOOLS: you may want to try tools like the eraser. When you choose a tool, experiment with the options in the toolbar at the top of the page to see what detailed effects you can achieve. FILTERS: can be found in the filter menu at the top of the page. There are lots of things you can try here but make sure your text is still legible. LAYER STYLES: can be found in the LAYER > LAYER STYLE menu at the top of the page. These effects are useful for making your text stand out – try them and see what they do. IMPORTANT: keep notes on paper or in Microsoft Word about what you are doing. It helps you to reproduce the effect again.
Which of these is the correct movie poster font and why? Could the other font be used for this movie poster or not? Justify your answer. What suggestions could we make for improving the font design?
Which of these is the correct movie poster font and why? Could the other font be used for this movie poster or not? Justify your answer. What suggestions could we make for improving the font design?