Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration
Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration We have a desire to work together: To support our volunteers To encourage youth self-empowerment To share ideas and solve challenges And, we are also scattered around the country.
Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration Collaboration is all about bring your best self, your skills and what you are passionate about and getting together to work toward a common goal, (Brio, 2013).
Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration There is power in coming together! Get to know one another Share projects that work Brainstorm for solutions to common challenges Share a special skill Talk through issues Work on a cooperative project
Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration With the growth of new media and web 2.0 tools, it is easier than ever to collaborate with others. New media provides opportunities for users to share information about themselves, build knowledge bases, and quicken the exchange of information, (Redecker, Ala- Mutka, Bacigalupo, Ferrari, & Punie, (2009).
Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration When we use web 2.0 tools to meet together virtually, we are able to share information much quicker and for much less money, (Olshefsky, 2005).
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Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration Virtual collaboration provides a way to build community among people geographically dispersed, (Redecker et al., 2009). Through community we are able to both be a contributor and a receiver of of ideas and tools which support the growth of our youth ministry programs. As Helen Keller stated, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
Diane Venzera, The Power of Collaboration References Brio, M. (2013). Smart leaders and the power of collaboration. Forbes. Retrieved from smart-leaders-and-the-power-of-collaboration/ Olshefsky, J. (2005). Virtual meetings: Another resource in ASTM’s electronic toolbox. Retrieved from olshefsky_apr05.htmlhttp:// Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K., Bacigalupo, M., Ferrari, A., & Punie, Y. (2009). Learning 2.0: The impact of web 2.0 innovations of education and training in Europe. Retrieved from ftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/EURdoc/EURdoc/ JRC55629.pdfftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/EURdoc/EURdoc/