And nothing hurt HUM 2052: Civilization II Spring 2011 Dr. Perdigao April 20-22, 2011
Keep Listening Englishness/Americanness: Derby as “head American”; Campbell on Americans—as Nazi Rumfoord: one-volume history of the United States Army Air Corps in World War II (184), as “readable condensation of the twenty-seven- volume Official History of the Army Air Force in World War II (191); Truman’s announcement (1939—science and atomic energy [186]) David Irving’s The Destruction of Dresden (186) Echolalia Epigraph (197): Christmas carol
Keep Listening The Big Board (201); Jesus, time machine (202) Magazine with “What really became of Montana Wildhack?” (204); pictures… grainy images (locket); photo with Shetland pony (205) Literary critics discussing if novel is dead… bury the novel ( ) Montana Wildhack—blue movie, says one with Edgar Derby (207) Assassinations of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. Return to Darwin, over Christ for Tralfamadorians (210) 2 days after city destroyed, digging, Derby killed, then at end return to coffin-shaped wagon (215), war is over, horses Digging began, new technique, no more corpse mines ( )
Endings? Ilium—as Troy—question of heroism, those that try to be heroic are ridiculous. Cult of heroism as leading to war 60s—anti-authoritarian Past—smuggled back in, held up on wall, ruined cathedrals, smudged paintings Yearning and attack on past—ambivalence, mix of nostalgia and criticism Novel of exposure How can people remember? How can we write about it?