Contest the Stress When the stressors of life and academics weigh you down. Devon Marshall
The Aim of the project Have you ever experience the stress/anxiety that is associated with academics and life? Contest the Stress is a resource for Rowan University students and all students alike to use to cope with the pressures of college.
Layout Similar to “The Bold Life” Will create oringial banner Each category will be at the top Coping methods, interviews with healthcare professionals on campus, profiles on groups on campus, anecdotes/ contributions by students, campus events and social media sidebar Preview blurb for articles
Social media Use of facebook, twitter and instagram to create a broad readership daily twitter and instagram postings Instagram: inspirational posts and links to articles Twitter: referring readers to important articles on the web,informing them on campus events/ programs, links to articles
Purpose of the Project Provide a resource for those enduring stress/anxiety in academic/ social situations Will be Rowan University centered, so it can provide relevant and localized information for Rowan University students.