Week of Sept. 14
Warm-up for Monday, Sept. 14 Add these vocab words and their definitions to your social studies notebook. metallurgy shaman culture A science that deals with the nature and uses of metal A person believed to be in touch with the spirit world; “medicine man,” “healer,” etc. The way of life of a group of people, including art, language, religion and traditions, necessities (food, housing, clothing)
Who Killed the Iceman? What did we learn from Part One of the Ӧ tzi the Iceman video? The information you will need: When did he live? What was his occupation (job)? What was his cause of death? Further explanations for his death/location
Warm-up for Tuesday, Sept. 15 animism polytheism creation stories Add these vocab words and their definitions to your social studies notebook. The belief that all natural objects and processes have souls The belief in many gods A myth of how the world began and where people first came from
Culture Yesterday we learned that culture is… The way of life of a group of people, including art language religion and traditions necessities (food, housing, clothing) Today we’re going to take Cornell notes (two-column notes, with a summary at the end) on religion and traditions.
Religion and Tradition What is religion? How many religions are there? An organized collection of beliefs, with symbols and sacred stories. It is estimated that there are 4,200 different religions in the world today. This year, we will learn about the origins of the major world religions, as well as some ancient religions that are no longer practiced.
Religion and Tradition What are the main types of religions? What are the major world religions? Polytheist: the belief in many gods Monotheist: the belief in one god Atheist: the belief in no god There are 5: Judaism (monotheist) Hinduism (polytheist) Buddhism (atheist) Christianity (monotheist) Islam (monotheist)
Religion and Tradition What is tradition? Tradition is the passing of beliefs and/or customs from generation to generation. Examples of traditions: Holiday customs like Christmas trees or fireworks on July 4 th Patriotic customs like the Pledge of Allegiance, or taking off your hat for the National Anthem Ritual customs, like a bride being walked down the aisle by her father, or taking your shoes off outside Hindu and Buddhist temples Manners and social norms, like saying “bless you” when someone sneezes, or shaking hands when you meet someone
Religion and Tradition What do traditions have to do with culture?
Religion and Tradition SUMMARIZE: what did we learn today?
Warm-up for Wednesday, Sept. 16 Get seated and clear your desk. It’s time for the Weekly Wednesday What Do You Know?
Warm-up for Thursday, Sept. 17 Fill in each blank with a vocab word. The people of Sumer worshiped many gods and goddesses, which is known as __________. Over time, some Neolithic societies grew into __________, or societies that have cities, a central governnment, and workers who specialize in various jobs. We know the Iceman came from a society that had learned _________, because he had a copper axe.
Exit ticket What were the benefits to the Sumerians of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers? What were the disadvantages?
Warm-up for Friday, Sept. 18 Fill in each blank with a vocab word. 1. Archaeologists think Ӧ tzi may have been a _________ because of his good health, his age, and his many tattoos. 2. Most religions have ________ _______ that explain where people came from and how the world was formed. 3. Religion and tradition, art, language, and necessities are all important aspects of ____________.