Kristian and Tyler
Mr. Todd talked about the evolution of weapons from WWI to Vietnam He had many cool guns and helmets and booby traps that were used to kill the enemy
Early rifles were inaccurate They often had bayonets on them Once the shotgun came around, the soldiers used it more
Civil War weapons were heavy and inaccurate In the trenches of WWI, they preferred shotguns since you didn’t have to really aim to hit your target and they hit many at once They did away with the rifles they had during the Civil War
There was an array of booby traps used in Vietnam and WWII. They were mostly explosive traps, including grenades, glass grenades, and other exploding things that did as much damage as possible to the enemy
We kept in mind that these weapons were used to kill thousands of people That was the concept of war…kill them before they killed you The weapons were designed to kill other human beings As many as possible, as fast as possible