Diversity and unity Interdependence Evolution Bioethics
Diversity is the variety of life over 1.5 million different species identified on earth categorize organisms based on their similarities All life is characterized by unity, or features, that all living things have in common
Genetic code –DNA or RNA Physical features The presence of organelles that carry out the basic functions of cells
representation of the ancestry between organisms Shared genetic lineages, but no two are exactly the same Place organisms with similar genes closer together on the tree Farther apart = less similar genes
There are three main branches (Domains)– Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukaryota Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
Domains can be broken down into 6 kingdoms
The dependence of organisms on one another for energy to survive Ecology – branch of biology that studies the interactions of organisms in the environment
Autotroph – Organism that can make its own food. Ex. Moss, plants Heterotroph– Organism that get its nutrients from other sources. Ex. Zebra, Tiger, Human
Evolution (descent with modification) – process in which the inherited characteristics within populations change over generations; enough changes can result in the formation of new species
Evolution explains how various organisms originated from the same source (common ancestor) Evolution is driven by genetics – Mutations Natural selection Adaptation- produced by natural selection; inherited characteristic common within a population which demonstrates improved function
Often, Science and Society are woven together, and are essentially inseparable. At times, certain ethical issues arise between them Ethics is the system of moral principals that guide a decision
Bioethics is the controversial ethics surrounding advancements in biology and medicine
Human trials of medicinal drugs – is it safe to subject humans to these medicines? Using rats? Fruit flies? Chimpanzees? Keeping a person in a vegetative state alive Organ donations HeLa (Henrietta Lacks)
Time Magazine, January 11, 1999 Girl with three biological parents medicine/meet-girl-dna-three-parents medicine/meet-girl-dna-three-parents