Unit 1 – The Leisure Industry Today
Look at the images of Butlins. What do you notice about the target markets?
The Big Picture
Explain how the different products and services offered by the leisure industry are targeted to different market segments. You should be able to explain why effective use of market segmentation information is vital for the success of any leisure organisation. Agree the learning outcomes
The ups and downs of Butlins. Video 1 Video 1 The Down Turn Video 2 Video 2 The main holiday taking in the UK Holiday Centre sector is from the C1, C2 socio-economic groups. At Butlin's Centres these are mainly C2 (25-44, with children under 15). C2s might be best described as the 'labour aristocracy' - skilled working class. It is a group that, not only has increased in size, but also in its expectations. Wider experiences and improved education account for this. The £180 million investment in Butlin's Centres and Hotels was mainly aimed at the changing perceptions of this customer base..
1) Young families who stay off peak (the time period before and after main season), usually in the May/ September. These are seeking their main holiday from low financial resources, therefore price is all important. 2) Older customers (couples) who have more disposable income and can choose half board as opposed to self-catering. They favour country suites as opposed to budget. Usually, this group are seeking a short break, to increase their holiday taking. 'Companionship and evening' values are important. They might not, however, enjoy being in the midst of children. 3) Individuals seeking a break where the type of entertainment is the determining factor for a value for money break. 'Night time' is all important for this group. 4) Those basing their holidays around the school holidays for up to 7 days. This group usually have young families. 'Day time' activities, though are as important as 'night time' activities. 5) Selective buyers - irrespective of time of year - who have specialist interests, eg, social/sequence dances. 6) Organisations/Groups are also key customers. These include:- Spring Harvest Salvation Army Young Farmers Elim Pentecostal plus IBM, ICI group bookings - meetings/conventions You need to explain why this knowledge is important to Butlins!
How and why do different leisure organisations target different market segments? Explain how the different products and services offered by the leisure organisations are targeted to different market segments. Explain why effective use of market segmentation information is vital for the success of any leisure organisation. Plan: Introduction (use above info to write an introductory paragraph) For 4/5 organisations (e.g. Butlins – network / Fitness First / Operation Gateway in Nottinghamshire – network / South Gloucestershire Leisure - wiki / Local - Hornsea Leisure Centre) explain how different products and services are targeted at different market segments. For each explain why the effective use of market segmentation information is vital for their success.