Understanding inFUSION User Roles
Super Administrator Administrator File Sender File Receiver Internal File Receiver inFUSION Roles When you start using inFUSION you are automatically allocated one or more of the following roles Click now to move on You are also able to specify that your user details are “Private” so that people cannot search for you.
Roles Each Company MUST have a Super Administrator and an Administrator Role. If you are the first REACH Delivery user in your company THEN you are set up as the Super Administrator. Click now to move on You can change this later if you wish when your company has more users. Check your role by selecting “manage my profile” under the “options - settings” menu.
Roles If you are not the Administrator for your company then you can see who is by selecting the “Show my Administrator” under the “options” menu. Click now to move on If you are an administrator then you will have access to an additional menu… the “Administrator Functions” menu.
Primary Functions Include: Receive Messages/Documents Pass on Messages /Documents Internally Load Documents into REACH Delivery Roles – File Receiver Click now to move on
Primary Functions Include: Send Controlled Messages/Documents both Internally and Externally Set up external contacts/users Role must be specifically selected - cannot default to being a sender. Roles – File Sender Click now to move on
Primary Functions Include: Can set up or delete other users Perform any functions in the Administrator menu Manage payments if company uses a professional account Roles – Administrator Click now to move on The Super Administrator is the same as the Administrator but can set up other Administrators.
Primary Functions Include: Receive Messages/Documents Pass on Messages /Documents Internally Load Documents into REACH Delivery Roles – Internal File Receiver Click now to move on
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