Junior Seminar
Adversity Adversity (n.): difficulties; misfortune. Synonyms: misfortune. trouble Example Sentence: The massive wild fires across California have caused adversity for many families.
Job Interviewing Please fill out the questionnaire. Take it seriously.
Interviews What is the purpose of a job interview? Why do employers use them? Has anyone in class ever been to a job interview? What are the qualities of an effective interview? (what should you do?) What are some things you should NOT do in a job interview? Watch On the back of your pretest sheet, jot down some things the interviewee does incorrectly.
Common job seeking mistakes (did you get any of these?) 1.Résumés with One Typo Too Many Your résumé is your one chance to make a first impression. A typo or misspelled word can lead an employer to believe that you would not be a careful, detail-oriented employee. Spell- check software is not enough; ask several people to proofread your résumé.
Stretches the Truth Everyone wants to present his or her work experience in the most attractive light, but information contained on your résumé must be true and accurate. Whether you're simply inflating past accomplishments or coming up with complete fabrications, lying is clearly a bad idea and chances are you‘ll eventually get caught and lose all credibility.
Inaccurate Dates or None at All Recruiters need to know the dates of your previous employment to get a better understanding of your work history and to use these dates for background checks. Missing dates or gaps, especially for long periods of time, could send up a red flag, and the résumé may be discarded as a result. Include specific ranges in months and years for every position. If you do have gaps, explain them either in your cover letter or introduction, but not in your résumé.
Functional or Chronological Résumé? Whenever possible, recruiters advise you go with a chronological résumé and focus on the skills and accomplishments that pertain to the job you're seeking. But, if you're concerned about a past or recent layoff, be assured that as unemployment is quite prevalent, recruiters regard it quite differently today and with less of a stigma than they did in the past
Long Résumés and Long Paragraphs Most recruiters and hiring managers are bombarded with applications and solicitations. Focus on the skills and accomplishments that directly apply to the job you're trying to get. Don't dwell on the specifics of each job, but rather the highlights specific to you and their transferability.
Most common interview questions. How would you answer them? Why should we hire you? What makes you different from other applicants? Using details from past career accomplishments or education if you are entry-level, support 'the fit' with specific information targeted toward the company's needs. You should be aware of the company's needs through pre-interview research and/or, questions/dialog which you have already had during the interview
What are your goals? Where do you see yourself in _____ years? Outline your job & career goals and how you envision them to fit with those of the company. Unless they ask, don't go into personal goals. Describe how you would contribute to the areas of the company of which you are most passionate and how that would ultimately obtain success for you and the company.
How would you describe yourself? / Tell me about yourself? When describing yourself, you should give specific examples of your professional and personal qualities. Intertwine those examples with your character traits that make you who you are. Stay relevant to the job position and company culture.
What are your weaknesses? / List areas you'd like to improve in? Be honest about your weaknesses and show how you have learned to work with them or what you are doing to overcome them. If possible, highlight how those traits could be a strength in certain situations. Don’t use the clichés answers – I care too much. I’m too organized. I work too hard. Be honest, be open, be confident.
Tell me about a recent conflict you've encountered and how you've handled it? / Tell me about a major problem you worked through? Describe the conflict objectively, be careful about placing blame and accepting none. Give specific examples of how it was resolved or why it was not. If it was an ethical conflict, it is important that you explain your boundaries.
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