1 CDD Scaling Up: step by step AFTS1 presentation November 4, 2004
2 (i) An Integrated Approach to Local Development
3 CDD: five principles Empower communities: participatory decision making, resources and authority to implement, PME Empower local governments: fiscal and administrative decentralization Re-align service delivery of central government: policy and enabling environment; information to communities for decision making; Ensure transparency and accountability at all levels Make it a learning by doing process and build capacity along the way
4 Three Principles of Scaling up Cost effectiveness and fiscal sustainability Co-production of services and infrastructure by different actors and at different levels Equal access to information, participation, and democratic decision making
5 Ensuring Minimal Conditions Strong political commitment Decentralized structures Succesful empowerment efforts to build on Unified disbursement mechanism
6 After the pilots, development phase is next Diagnosis: ask hard questions Use all available ESW and assessments: what do you not know? Define a common vision, objectives, design features TEST, TEST the scale up tools and logistics Communicate, communicate
7 Define actors, functions, responsibilities Do this at the local level, with all stakeholders Community level: new, existing? District level: new, existing? Support consultants Define the impact evaluation process NOW
8 Training, Facilitation and Participatory Planning Make it cost effective: train local facilitators from the community Ensure participatory planning at community level Combine community plans in SIMPLE sub-district or district level development plan which is multi-year.. So different sources of funds can be accessed
9 Resource flows, allocation and accountability Ensure direct financing for community to manage and for management committees Which system of resource transfer What will be the co-financing, how accounted for? Targeting M and E and accountability/communication
10 From development to national scale Review all processes … learn, adapt, revise … communicate Diagnosis: what is missing for national scale? Other donors, other programs Phase it in.. So you can fine-tune Manage overhead costs Communicate
11 Consolidate Always learn and review.. Take risks.. Develop fiscal base of local governments and communities Deepen accountability Reduce donor dependence; re-target