Declaration or no Declaration? A political issue Too many declarations, not followed-up. After 4 declarations, can we simply use those? Ultimately, participating Governments to decide. Some kind of Declaration might be required (could focus on main follow-up and achievements of previous AMCDRR)
Matter of accountability and commitment. Look at past outcomes – what has made achievements of previous AMCDRR outputs good or less good. Look at Incheon AP programming process – how it has been resourced etc. Need to identify pros and cons of Roadmap and Actions plan, in order to determine need for a new one.
Recommendation to extract from previous Declarations recommendations and points –outside scope of agenda, for update and report –Fitting agenda for further work Preparation mechanisms of the 5 th AMCDRR will be important to determine these aspects.
Outcomes / Outputs Should be simple. Main recommendations –for local actions, with well identified targets, that are easy to follow (eg number communities, local platforms etc.) –but also for improved standards for CBDRR component inclusion into national and development programmes. Attempts to provide some general standards, indicators and understanding. –Aim at influencing or guiding Governments Reflections on most appropriate outputs / outcomes could be part of consultation process during preparation. –What should be done during preparation so to reach that? Which commitments are we going towards?
Process of Conference preparation should help learning from successes but also failure of processes, So to make experience available, identify dissemination mechanisms. Accountability and follow-up should be in-built in whatever output expected. CBDRR is happening already (does it need a Declaration? Is this realistic?) – need to move forward and address weaknesses and translate this into commitment and action. Need to look at more inclusive approaches and respective roles and responsibilities (regional, national, local levels).
When thinking about outputs, the following should be part of the agenda Community leadership is limited – local Government has ultimately leadership, need to be put in the front seat. National Government should be able to provide the proper support for such mechanisms (financing, participatory decision making, decentralised processes etc.) Weakness is the link between local and national level. Promotion of Local Platforms?
Agendas of 4 th vs 5 th AMCDRR very different: –will involve much more stakeholders; might bring up more “declarations” or “plans” (eg from LGUs, private sector etc.)? –5 th will require clarification on “DRR/CCA” concepts. Start thinking about post-HFA period: –Planning up to 2015 –During this period, consultations with national and regional platforms on the next Framework will start. –This will be a major topic for the 2014 AMCDRR.