The Accelerated Learning Program The Community College of Baltimore County
ENG 101ENG 052 ALP at CCBC
Why It Works 1.ALP students take their developmental writing course concurrently with ENG 101, rather than as a pre- requisite. 2.Students sense that they are “college material” is enhanced because they are enrolled in a college-level course. 3.The cohort effect—ALP students spend six hours a week together, half that time in a small section. 4.The 101-level students in the comp class serve as role models.
Why It Works 5.Small class size. 6.Attention to non-cognitive issues. 7.The developmental and credit courses are carefully coordinated. 8.The pedagogy of ALP is based on backward design from the credit course and emphasizes active learning, improved reasoning skills, engaged reading, and more effective editing skills.
passed ENG % did not pass ENG % took ENG 052 Fa07-Fa % took ENG % took no more writing courses % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % took ENG 052 Fa07-Fa % took ENG % took no more writing courses 0 0% traditional developmental students: fall 2007 – fall 2010 ALP students: fall 2007 – fall 2010 data from Cho, Kopko, & Jenkins, 2012 (CCRC)
passed ENG % did not pass ENG % took ENG 052 Fa07-Fa % took ENG % took no more writing courses % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % took ENG 052 Fa07-Fa % took ENG % took no more writing courses 0 0% traditional developmental students: fall 2007 – fall 2010 ALP students: fall 2007 – fall 2010 data from Cho, Kopko, & Jenkins, 2012 (CCRC) passed ENG 101 Fa07-Fa % didn’t pass ENG 101 Fa07-Fa % passed ENG 101 Fa07-Fa % didn’t pass ENG 101 Fa07-Fa %
passed ENG % haven’t passed ENG % passed ENG % F, I, or W in ENG % took ENG % haven’t taken ENG % took ENG % haven’t taken ENG % traditional developmental students: fall 2007 – fall 2010 ALP students: fall 2007 – fall 2010 data from Cho, Kopko, & Jenkins, 2012 (CCRC) passed ENG % did not pass ENG % took ENG 052 Fa07-Fa % took ENG % took no more writing courses % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % took ENG 052 Fa07-Fa % took ENG % took no more writing courses 0 0% passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG % passed ENG % didn’t pass ENG %
10% 2 0% Percent Earning 12 or More Credits within 1 Year 30 % Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall %40% 39 % N= % N= % N= % N= % N= % N= % N= % N= % N= % N=687 traditional dev writing ALP
10% 15% 20%20% 5% traditional dev writing Fall 2008 ALP Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall % N=34 7% N=68 11 % N=149 8% N=288 5% N= % N=966 6%6% N=1142 5%5% N=1406 5%5% N=1328 3%3% N=1043 Completion Rates (as of March 2015)
5 0% Success Rates for 7 Participating Colleges 7 5% 2 5% comparison cohort ALP cohort 76% 37 % 86% 33 % 73% 3 8% 68% 48 % 94% 3 9% 51% 35 % 82% 47 % A suburbs Midwest B suburbs Midwest C urban Southwest D <5000 small town Midwest E <5000 suburbs Southeast F <5000 rural Southeast G small town Mid-Atlantic
Questions I Could Answer Isn’t ALP awfully expensive? What logistical problems are likely if you adopt ALP? What kinds of data will be useful? What do you recommend about scaling up ALP? What do you recommend about faculty development? Do you recommend integrating reading and writing? Isn’t ALP only for students “close to the cut off” for ENG 101